Stock list?


Active Member
hows this for a stock list for my 220
-one snowflake eel
-one wolf eel
-two-three tangs (probably blue and yellow and one other?)
-one niger trigger
-one volitan lionfish
-one cali OR bluespot stingray
-and a bamboo shark--> eventually i want to breed bamboo sharks for some fun!
the filtration is a wetdry that i built and im using a canister filter as a return pump for extra filtration that is rated for up to a 100 gallon aquarium i also have an HOB rated for up to a 100 gallon and the wet/dry is easily 200 gallons plus.. i currently have 1 powerhead and am getting another and i will be getting a better protein skimmer thats rated for about a 400 g aquarium!


Active Member
from what ive read live feeder, fiddler crabs and small fish.. and i have a decorator crab which i dont wanna get rid of cuz hes HUGE does anyone think the wolf eel would eat him?


Active Member
might be overstocked a bit,, other than that dont get a blue spot ray they die very quickyl, very hard ot keep int he aquarium


Active Member
so definately the cali ray then! and im thinking possibly no with the wolf eel.. though i like them a lot.. now also what would you all consider a good minimum as a breeder for bamboos?


Active Member
triggers will pick at sharks and rays so you have to scratch him
for bamboob sharks to breed i would say 4-600 gallons for two of them or a footprint of at least 8x4 if your going to do it right


Active Member
ok cool i want to upgrade in a year.. (maybe a year and a half).. so that i can get another bamboo thanks for all the info!


Originally Posted by psusocr1
triggers will pick at sharks and rays so you have to scratch him
for bamboob sharks to breed i would say 4-600 gallons for two of them or a footprint of at least 8x4 if your going to do it right
I second this. It wouldn't be the best idea to mix the trigger and lion anyway.
Some wolf eels get to about 18" (Congrogadus subducens) while others can get up to 2.5 meters (Anarhichadidae family). Make sure you get the right one. They eat inverts like shrimp more than crabs. They can be weaned to be omnivores though, accepting anything small enough to swallow whole (pellet or flake).