Stock List


I am starting my 55 Gallon tank and was wondering if this stock list would be alright
60 pounds of Sand
60 pounds of LR
2 clowns
1 firefish
1 Flame Angel
1 mandarin goby
1 yellow tang (hopefully)
Thats just the fish i was wanting not including my clean up crew and all of does that sound for the fish?


Active Member
Originally Posted by Rutz15
1 Flame Angel
1 mandarin goby
1 yellow tang (hopefully)
I won't get into the tang/tank size discussion. but I will say to please wait until the tank has matured to add these three. At least get past the 6 month mark..I recommend a year though. Add the YT as your last fish, they will sometimes bully newcomers.


Agreed, As far as compatibility,they should be fine together and give you a good variety of color and fish shapes, but PLEASE do not add them too quickly and plan on finding your Yellow tang a new home within a year afer buying him. If in a healthy tank, they grow very quickly.
60 lbs of sand is only two bags which wil only give you a couple of inches. Is tht all you want? If you just want it for appearances, that is fine, but if you want to use it as a denitrifying bed, you will need twice that much as it will take at least 4 inches of sand.
Remember to rinseyour sand well before adding it to your tank or it will take a long time for all the cloudiness to dissipate.