stock list


Active Member
Originally Posted by -Tara33-
imagine if he got it anyway, ive got a 250g and i wouldnt put a niger in there, there way to active and huge, well i do have a large fish in there but hes really dosile and swims slowly!
Like I said.. at minimum lol in a 8x2x2ft 240gallon It would require rocks down the middle of the tank too.
If he buys it all anyway... this is the order of death if all added simultaneously and the bioload shock doesn't kill everything. damsel kills clowns, snowflake eats damsel, lemonpeel angel kills bicolor angel, niger trigger kills lemonpeel then snowflake eel; then niger dies from ammonia spike after die off.
Originally Posted by AquaKnight
Easy guys. If we'd had not learned what we know through sites like SWF, I don't think any of us would have had a problem keeping that original stocklist in a 25gal...
I agree with you completely, yet as the read on the snide remarks keep continuing. I wonder how many mistakes you all made when you first got into this hobby??? Cause I know most EVERYONE has done something stupid with a stock list for a tank......
All flaming does it ultimately make people NOT want to ask questions in the forums, but all of your super egos give you the personality of a clown trigger. Give the Kid a break, at least he double checked things.. Although I disagree with the length on the SFE, most of them that i have seem in tanks (at leat up to a 265) have only been about 20" in length, in wild they an get up to 30"