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I want to set up a 150 gallon agressive tank. I defintley want an eel, trigger and an angel. What would be some good fish that would work well together?

small triggers

Active Member
personally, i would go with a snowflake eel (being one of the least aggressive), any of the Xanthichthys triggers (again the least aggressive) and just about any angel you prefer (im not to sure of them, im sure someone else can help you out in that area)


Originally Posted by volitan1
I want to set up a 150 gallon agressive tank. I defintley want an eel, trigger and an angel. What would be some good fish that would work well together?
As for eels get something other than a boring snowflake...Such as: zebra, snake, dragon, or fimby.
Triggers:The humu humu, clown, pink tail, triangular are all cool
And you could get just about any of the cool angels in there as well.


if your looking for a semi aggressive i would do a
snowflake.for an angel its pretty much anything you like if the tank is not crowded.
for triggers its really a hit or miss i personally like the blue jaws and sarrgassums.they tend to be more adjustable to different types of fish.

crypt keeper

Active Member
Originally Posted by jp30338
As for eels get something other than a boring snowflake...Such as: zebra, snake, dragon, or fimby.
Triggers:The humu humu, clown, pink tail, triangular are all cool
And you could get just about any of the cool angels in there as well.

Zebra would be best. I have a fimby. I dont know if its just mine or what but it is the meaniest nastiest damn thing I have ever owned except my snakehead. Its gorgeous IMO. Personally I would go with the following.
Asasi trigger. Not as common. Not expensive. Same family as the Humu Humu get just as big. Try and get a 4 inch range one. They grow very slow. It would be fine for life in the tank.
Emperor Angel. This would be good in your tank for a while.
Zebra eel. Not that aggressive. About as fish safe as an eel can get.
You could get away with two other fish IMO. Purple Tang would add lots of color. Maybe throw in flame angel for that gorgeous cant be beat red.
Fairly aggressive with gorgeous Coloration. Check PM's