stock market...... what are YOU buying


What stocks are we buying to make $$$ ............
how long of a wait till profits.
I have made some money in TGC,,HEC, CNH, and several others that were big hitters


Active Member
I'm short oil, and long gold.
Buy fixed income and forget about it.
Buy and sell 9's and 13's!!


Active Member
Originally Posted by Dave Flood
Have a lot of stock, but I hang on to it & live off dividends

That would indeed be a lot of stock. :joy:


Active Member
My mothers Dupont stocks have been doing great for a while now. They keep going up and splitting all the time.
We were gonna throw some cash into XM radio too.. but never did.. kicking ourselves now ;)


Active Member
my dad has over 1000 stocks in lockheed martin. each stocks at 72 bucks. he got them cuz mu grandma passed and left them for us!


New Member
We are at the initial stage of a commodities bull market that is likely to last 10-15 years. I am bullish on most if not all commodities, particularly the "softies" such as sugar, wheat, corn, etc.
I am also bullish on oil on a supply and demand basis. While predicting crude oil price is a foolish thing to do I am going to say that the probability of crude price going beyond $100 within the next 3 years is high.
So I say invest in commodities.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Vanos
Is anyone still buying Google? I made a nice return of 29% last year over a 6 month period.
I almost bought them as a IPO but I had too much money tied up in other things at the time. Never did look at them much after that but I have a few friends who did make a nice chunk of change.
The shares just cost too much for the way I trade. I am a very unorthadox trader in that I don't spend a lot of time researching a company or reading news. I search out a few companies when I need a new pool of stocks and I buy/sell or short/cover strictly based on Techanical Analysis. I'll scan the subject lines for the last couple of weeks to make sure nothing detriimental has happened to the company (unless I'm looking for a company in trouble) and then I'll decide what to do. This works very well if you understand TA and can suppress the emotional factor to act which is the most difficult part. It still gets me sometime but less and less.
I tend to buy and sell the same group of stocks over and over becasue I become familiar with them. Right now I'm looking to buy back into MRVL and DBRN when the TA numbers are right. I do not suggest this a strategy for anyone unless you have been trading for a very long time and understand stocks very well.


Right now my wife and I are maxing out our 401 k's and she has a roth as well. But I'd like to open a traditional ira in the near future. As far as buying individual stocks, we may do that in the near future through my ameritrade account. My plan is to diversify in 5 differen't stocks with a total cost of around 10k. Possibly oil, financial, pharmaceutical, industrial and energy. I'm also a little skeptical due to inflation, cost of oil and interest rates on the rise. I don't want to start buying right before a recession which could happen. Just my opinion....


Active Member
Most of my $ goes into my 401k. I do have some long gold and I have been thinking about going short on oil. Maybe if enough of us go short we will pursuade the oil prices to drop!


New Member
Originally Posted by mrdc
Most of my $ goes into my 401k. I do have some long gold and I have been thinking about going short on oil. Maybe if enough of us go short we will pursuade the oil prices to drop!
short squeeze


New Member
Few years back Jaback's Journal listed 5 stocks that would take off during ther Gulf War. Can't remember but 2, Dynergy and Avaya. They were both penny stocks about $1.50 a share. I had some mad money and bought Dynergy thought that would be safe enough, energy, so forth. But Avaya was a telecom company so too risky for me. The stuff went to $15/share in about a year. Man we missed that one. I stopped loss on Dynergy at $5/share and made a nice payday, even after cap gains taxes. Got any hints on some other wild ones?????? Working for a living is tough need some more of that "easy" money!


New Member
You should not buy a stock just because someone else tells you to, especially when it's from an Internet source, regardless how sound their logic might be.
There is no easy money.


Did anyone happen to take a look at yahoo finance today and why mutual funds may not be a good investment longterm due to all of the fees that they charge. The author is Robert Kiyosaki and said that if you have an 8% return on average when you retire that 2.5% goes to fees and then you only get 5.5% overall. He used a simple calculation and if you have $140,000 when you retire you actually only get $30,000.