stock my 6


I have 10-12 lbs Marshall Island rock, two scarlet hermit crabs (need 1 more), a trochus snail (need 1 more), a cleaner shrimp, a filter feeding mussel of some kind, zoanthids, frogspawn, and 2 ricordia polyps in my 6 gallon tank!


thanx for the reply, ive added 2 blue leg hermits, 2 scarlet, 1 cleaner shrimp and 3 snails, there is also a brittle star, 3 tiny snails and some other unID'ed critters that came with the LR, something I saw last night was a small very fast round flat thing, i mean very fast. It came out of a cave in the rock and seen me and disapeared in an instant. Ive got 6lbs of that so far. I want to add 1 clown fish. AS far as zoos and polyps and such are concerned is there a limit to the numer of those that should/could be added?


Active Member
Originally Posted by stonedage
thanx for the reply, ive added 2 blue leg hermits, 2 scarlet, 1 cleaner shrimp and 3 snails, there is also a brittle star, 3 tiny snails and some other unID'ed critters that came with the LR, something I saw last night was a small very fast round flat thing, i mean very fast. It came out of a cave in the rock and seen me and disapeared in an instant. Ive got 6lbs of that so far. I want to add 1 clown fish. AS far as zoos and polyps and such are concerned is there a limit to the numer of those that should/could be added?
IMO, a 6 is to small for a clown, how about a clown goby or a neon goby?


dont gobys just kinda stick close to bottom and caves where as clowns swim about more? I was thinking i would get a small one and if and when it gets to be about 1.5-2" i would trade it off on another at the FS. I do appreciate your opinion though and will spend some more time trying to find another fish. I figure i have a bout a month before adding a fish. Thanx


this mornings find........1-1 1/2" bristle worm. I just cant believe how much keeps appearing in this little tank


Active Member
look at clown gobys as well there are some nice ones out there
what about one or 2 neon gobys?
im not sure about this but couls you add a bicolor blenny? ll they do is sit there


bill-im not sure if you sugggested bennys thinking i want something that sits around....i dont if that is what you were thinking. I want something active that will be good to watch


Active Member
a perc or a small goby and some corals like frogspawn and shrooms. or you can geta bunch of inverts instead of fish... pom pom crabs and sexy shrimp are the best!!!


I love frog spawn!!!! And Ricordeas as well. sexy shrimp im curious about. Will they be fine alnong with what is currently in my tank? would 1 or 2 be better? And you think that a perc clown will be fine in this size tank? thanx


Active Member
yeah! frogspawn and ricordeas are awesome! I'm sure one perc will be fine. sexy shrimp do better in groups, so I would get 2, but one is fine... they wont add to the bio load. The only problem I see is that the brittle star may knock over corals.


Active Member
Originally Posted by stonedage
some other unID'ed critters that came with the LR, something I saw last night was a small very fast round flat thing, i mean very fast. It came out of a cave in the rock and seen me and disapeared in an instant.
Before you add anything else, I think you should make sure you don't have a nasty hitchhiker....


so a pair of sexy shrimp would be ok to throw into the mix, no probs with the cleaner? The star came with the LR and apparently so did a fire worm( hes only 1" long and only seen him twice, therefore the star could easily be replaced it it becomes a prob. Thanx


Catawaba-I am trying to do that and this site is helping but i see so much tiny stuff in there and i dont know whats what and some i only see in a fleeting moment. I added the rock in the first week of Jan. and today is the first day that i saw the bristle worm.


Active Member
Originally Posted by stonedage
so a pair of sexy shrimp would be ok to throw into the mix, no probs with the cleaner? The star came with the LR and apparently so did a fire worm( hes only 1" long and only seen him twice, therefore the star could easily be replaced it it becomes a prob. Thanx
the sexy shrimp will be fine with the cleaner.

30-xtra high

Active Member
the brittle won't do... it'll eat you clown, sounds weird, but my lfs had a
1 inch bursa trigger with a brittle in a 5 gallon, and the trigger was completely healthy, and the brittle ate the trigger at night. all that was left was his head.
frogspawn get to big, it'll take over your tank
mushrooms and some zoos would probably be ok.


pppppffffffftttttttttt(the sound of my little bubble deflating)....So you are saying take the star back to the shop in snuck away from when i go to get my fish then? Ok no frogspawn then. But the ricordeas, they are ok right? And definitely zoos are coming. I must ask 1 thing though....How can you be certain that the trigger didnt die from something else and get eaten by the star when scavenging while the lights were out?


Active Member
Originally Posted by 30-xtra high
the brittle won't do... it'll eat you clown, sounds weird, but my lfs had a
1 inch bursa trigger with a brittle in a 5 gallon, and the trigger was completely healthy, and the brittle ate the trigger at night. all that was left was his head.
frogspawn get to big, it'll take over your tank
mushrooms and some zoos would probably be ok.
frogspawn is fine. just get a small frag with one or two heads. When it grows you can frag it and trade the frag with your lfs. that's what I did... if you want to pack your tank with a lot of corals then frogspawn wont be a good idea, because it will sting any corals that it touches.


Active Member
Originally Posted by stonedage
pppppffffffftttttttttt(the sound of my little bubble deflating)....So you are saying take the star back to the shop in snuck away from when i go to get my fish then? Ok no frogspawn then. But the ricordeas, they are ok right? And definitely zoos are coming. I must ask 1 thing though....How can you be certain that the trigger didnt die from something else and get eaten by the star when scavenging while the lights were out?
That must have been a HUGE brittle star! lol... how can it catch a fish?
the ricordeas and zoos are fine to have.


I wasnt thinking huge star, more lightning fast one. Yes i want to have alot of different shrooms and zoos and corals in there(dont we all?) THanx for all the help you guys are giving me here.