stock my 6


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well yeah, but I went overboard with stuffing my tank lol it started to look bad and my frogspawn was killing my candy canes. Just make sure it doesn't touch anything.


Active Member
Originally Posted by stonedage
Catawaba-I am trying to do that and this site is helping but i see so much tiny stuff in there and i dont know whats what and some i only see in a fleeting moment. I added the rock in the first week of Jan. and today is the first day that i saw the bristle worm.
Can you show a picture? Bristleworms are OK! So are little 'sand fleas' aka copepods.
I was concerned about a quick moving crab!
(I just 'rescued' one from my tank)


Active Member
Originally Posted by 30-xtra high
the brittle won't do... it'll eat you clown, sounds weird, but my lfs had a
1 inch bursa trigger with a brittle in a 5 gallon, and the trigger was completely healthy, and the brittle ate the trigger at night. all that was left was his head.
frogspawn get to big, it'll take over your tank
mushrooms and some zoos would probably be ok.
Something else must have happened to the trigger. AFTER it died, the bristle went to work.


I dont think ill be able to get a pick of the round thing. ive only seen it once and not again. but now lastnight I was looking with a flashlight and i seen something sticking out of a hole that has a 1" long very skinny little toungue, it looked like it was possibly the end of the worm, but i have no idea. I definitely got some real lively rock. in a year when everything is larger ill have quite a little group of tag-alongs. I think i must leave my camera beside the tank. Back on the stock my tank topic....can i add zoos now? Its been 3 weeks and the algea has come and gone. Thanx


Active Member
Originally Posted by stonedage
how would you stock a six gallon tank?
Very lightly. one inch worth of fish.

hawk fish

any pics of a 6 gallon nano want too see what they look like want to take corals out of my 90 reef and set up a 6 gallon nano at work thanks please send pics!!


Active Member
Originally Posted by zjhoward
Here is mine, only it has a lot of green algae all the time now for some reason.

Hey ZjHoward, that's a JBJ nano tank right? I can tell by the overflow and the ph.


Why don't you get a Bicolor Blenny? I have one in my tank and he is is so much fun to watch. Very active little guy with lots of personality.


hey stoneage, what are those called on your rock, those mushrooms or a type of polyp. ??? Ive got a bunch just like that in my tank and have no clue what they are.


k, so now I have 2 scarlet and 2 blue leg(aint blue tho) hermits, 2 snails, brittle star, perc clown(hes like 3/4") and maybe a fire worm(only seen it once) an anemone shrimp(wont get out of the zoos, EVER!!!grr, EVER) im going to be adding a dualsun 2X32w next depending on room in the hood, might have to stick with a single, not sure yet. this is my tank on sat. its now 2 months and i see coraline growing on the filter outlet as well as on the pump intake tube.