Stock question

I've 5 damsels in my 36gal. now (1 died) but I'm wondering what kind of inverts. I can place?
I'd like to see some shrimp, but being I know little about the damsels diet except for the basics, I figured I'd ask the experts here what else could be possible?
I will and DO need a cleanup crew of more than the 3 nass. snails, so this is another question I need to ask. Yes, I do know about the packages listed here, I'm more or less asking what will the damsels NOT eat? (weird way of putting
I was thinking of the following...
1-2 Emerald Crabs
3 more Nass. Snails
5 scarlet Crabs
5 Blue Leg Crabs
5 Turbo Snails
2-3 Cleaner Shrimp
Being I'm stuck with CC for now, what would be best for sifting?
For the record though, yes I've done SW for years, but as I stated before I'm considering myself a novice, so don't hold back and feel free to "mold me"!


Active Member
i wouldnt get the crabs and do you like damsels? if not i would take them out and add different fish, anyways you could add a cleaner shrimp, fire shrimp, or a couple peppermint shrimps. the damsels shouldnt eat anything? do yours eat stuff? are they that aggressive?
lol, So far, no. They wait for the brine or flakes.
They aren't aggressive at all from what I've noticed. However last night I did notice something extremely strange.
My wife was riding her bike which is close to the tank, and all 5 of these lil buggers would go to that part of the glass and just watch her. She's turn around to look and they would all hide. (of topic I know..ha ha)
Damsels are actually fairly neat to watch IMO. I used to have 2 I kept in a 20gal. FOWLR and they had a blast darting all over the place without a worry in the world. Plus they kept the cat entertained for hours on end.


Active Member
Unfortunately, the only fish you will likely have in there are the damsels...even just in terms of stocking level. But aggression will set in, most likely, as they become established. I would reconsider that personally. Not that they are bad fish, but something to think about.
I don't think you need 5 turbos (if they are mexican turbos at least)...maybe more Astrea snails which are a bit smaller and a couple of mexican turbos. Cleaner shrimp don't really clean the tank...they clean fish. Nice to have but IMO you do not need more than 1 or 2 just as inhabitants of the tank. There is a love hate relationship with hermits...they are opportunistic, and certainly capable of killing snails for their shells.


I have 4 emeralds, 12 blue legged hermits, 3 elephant trunk snails (the ones that burrow in the DSB all day), a fire shrimp and a cleaner shrimp. I love my crabs... I think they are more fun to watch than snails and do a better job with the cleanup. I agree that there is no need for the extra cleaners. Works awesome for my 29. And my emeralds are big (two are about 2-2.5") so the are brave and come out all day. The smaller two are like the night shift, they hibernate until night, when then the big ones curl up and they take over...
OK So no shrimp and no red legs, that's fine.
In the end all I'm really after is a cleanup crew that is going to get the job done day in and day out. I know the 3 Nass. I have now aren't enough and they won't do the bed.
I'm perfectly fine with the damsels, that's one reason why I got them.


Hey ophiura, I see you are in Houston. What LFS do you use, if I may ask? I like the people at Aquarium World. I also like Fish Land over on Westheimer. I have been to a few little hole in the walls, but haven't really found anywhere that blew me away...
Sorry to hijack your thread Tomato Clown.
blue legs are considdered hermits too? Wow, see I learn something new everyday. I thought the red legs were the "hermit" where the blue legs were more like a scavanger crab that... OK Nevermind, I ovbiously wasn't thinking about this properly for I can't even explain my own thoughts w/o thinking how stupid it sounds.
OK now,
I'm looking at a few more snails, and then what would be suggested best for my CC?