stocking 125 fowlr Q's


New Member
I'm getting ready to set up my 1st SW aquarium
I'm thinking of stocking my 125 with> 1 picasso, 1 naso tang, 1 Porcupine puffer, a pair 2 large clowns, 1yellow tang, 2 royal gramma, 2 blue reef chromis damsels, 2 pink skunk clowns, 2 mid sized anemones.
Is this too many fish? Will they get along? what kind of clean up crew would be best?
The tank has dual overflows that will run to a 50 gallon sump with a protein skimmer, refugium, and return sections. Is this filter sufficient? is it lacking something? Is there something better I should use instead?
I'm new here go easy on me ;)
thank you for any help you can spare!


Active Member
<1 picasso, 1 naso tang, 1 Porcupine puffer, a pair 2 large clowns, 1yellow tang, 2 royal gramma, 2 blue reef chromis damsels, 2 pink skunk clowns, 2 mid sized anemones.>ok in my oppinion I would hold off on the anenomes for a while.most of these fish can very sensetive to water qualility.almost every fish you named this tank set up yet? if so for how long has it cycled for.about the only spcies that can go into a newly cycled tank on your fish list would be the damsels(chromis)I suggest starting with a small school 6 or more.they will help in your tank cycling if you lose a couple you wont be out a far as other fish go id hold off until you know your water is suitable for more senstetive for the clowns its not recommended to mix the species.clowns are very territorial fish and can be somewhat agressive to other pick your fav species and stick to 1 pair.for trigger i dont suggest it witht the type of tank you are hoping for triggers can be highly has been written that a trigger will do fine in a tank for a long time then just out of the blue wipe out the entire stock of your tank.from what you have listed you arent looking to get into an agressive species skip the trigger all together.other tan that the rest should do well together once you get the tank fully cycled and ready for less hearty fish.oh yes last but not least for your 125 to be a good home for anenomes you should be running metal halide lighting.with the tank depth of a tank that large pc and vho lighting will not be able to sustain its required lighting amounts for a long healthy life.I also suggest searching for a compatebilty chart and read up on each species before purchasing anything.good luck and welcome to the hobby


Originally Posted by bhach
1 picasso, 1 naso tang, 1 Porcupine puffer, a pair 2 large clowns, 1yellow tang, 2 royal gramma, 2 blue reef chromis damsels, 2 pink skunk clowns, 2 mid sized anemones.
The picasso and porcupine puffer would definitely kill your royal grammas. :scared: :scared: I also agree with the previous post that you should pick one species of clown (add them at same time) and wait on the anenome.


Right on with the trigger. Leave that one out. Unless you want to go aggressive. That is the direction I would go if you don't want to spend the money on a great light system that you would need for the anemones. I am a big fan of either the fairy wrasse or the lyretail anthia which I believe is underappreciated in the aquarium world. Also, make sure you have plenty of live rock, start with the hardy damsels or chromis. And you might also want to look into a UV sterilizer. You don't want new fish or rock to bring in parasites and the UV can help with that.


Originally Posted by bhach
I'm getting ready to set up my 1st SW aquarium
I'm thinking of stocking my 125 with> 1 picasso, 1 naso tang, 1 Porcupine puffer, a pair 2 large clowns, 1yellow tang, 2 royal gramma, 2 blue reef chromis damsels, 2 pink skunk clowns, 2 mid sized anemones.
Is this too many fish? Will they get along? what kind of clean up crew would be best?
The tank has dual overflows that will run to a 50 gallon sump with a protein skimmer, refugium, and return sections. Is this filter sufficient? is it lacking something? Is there something better I should use instead?
I'm new here go easy on me ;)
thank you for any help you can spare!

I am new too and I thought a fish only tank could not have anemones..can you let me know what a fish only tank is then?


Active Member
Originally Posted by Lennon
I am new too and I thought a fish only tank could not have anemones..can you let me know what a fish only tank is then?
fish only is just as discribed just fish no live rock
FOWLR is fish only with live rock no inverts or coral.but most FOWLR's have at least inverts such and snails crabs and so on same goes for FO tank
reef I think you know how that goes.does that help?some people keep anenomes in a so called FOWLR but its the lighting that is important not the label of the tank.some fish do well with anenemes some dont.say for instance a reef safe fish copperband butterlflys are concidered reef safe.but they tend to be stupid with anenomes they try and pick at them and become lunch.just do tyour reasearch b4 purchasing any fish and maake sure it is compatible with its entire habitat you are might get a periodic bad result from a fish that is compatibly listed with another fish it does happen by chance .but if its listed as a no no matter what some might say are you willing to lose a fish or all over 1 wrong peice of advise?if its listed as caution you have a 50/50 chance of it being ok or not.knowing your fish before you add them will definatly make this hobby much more enjoyable


New Member
thanks for all the info! very helpfull bunch around here :)
my 125 is still empty at this point just trying to get an idea of what I can do with it.