Stocking 20g/ Cleanup Crew


Right now i am cycling my 20 reef with 130 watt PC lighting and Protein Skimmer and 40gallon HOB filter. It has 25 lbs LR and 20 lbs LS. My cycle started a week ago so i figure in another 5 weeks I should be ready for some fish. Heres what i was thinking, and was just wondering if there would be any complications and what order i should add them in.
Purple Firefish
Yellow Clown Goby
Tank Bred Flase Perc
Lawnmower Blenny ( Only after tank is established.)
2- Small Mex Turbo
2-Nassarius Snails
1- Margarita Snail
1- Sandsifting Star
1- Skunk Cleaner Shrimp
Please give me some suggestions.


Active Member
i believe the sand sifting star is a no, dunno why, but i was told that. fish list looks good. maybe add some more snails, 4 barely did it in my 10.... is this a reef setup?


yeah its gonna be a reef system. i guess i will make it 5 Mex Turbos. 3 Nassarius Snails and 2 Margarita Snails. What could i get instead of a SSS that would stir up the sand bed. I have heard about Horshoe crabs, but i heard some debates about um. Do you know of anything.


thank you. but is there a reason why. im sorry if this question is irritating. but i would like to know for future reference. thanks tho


Active Member
i think the order is kinda based on common personalities or need for established tank. not sure though, i just usually try to put the more docile fish in first personally. Nass. snails clean up the sand pretty good i hear, i'll check them and find out soon.