Stocking 29 gal Help!



So far I have a: False Perc, Six Line Wrasse, 2 blue/green chromis. And I want another Clown and a Yellow Watchman Goby.
Would this fit?
2 Clowns
1 Six Line Wrasse
2 Chromis
1 Yellow Watchman Goby
I do a water change every two weeks.
All your posts are much appreciated!

tank a holic

Active Member
getting awful crowded, i think it would work but that would definitely be the limit.... is this a FOWLR or reef???


Active Member
If it is a reef, I would recommend a high priced skimmer and a fuge.
If it is a FOWLR, I would start doing water changes once a week so you don't develop an algae problem.
Overall, that is a lot of fish to have in a 29 unless you have a way to prevent nitrates/phosphate. I'm a believer in trying out things for yourself, but with that many creatures, you may start to have die-off.
How much live rock? Do you have a DSB? Any Macro-Algae? Skimmer? Filtration?


Originally Posted by sickboy
If it is a reef, I would recommend a high priced skimmer and a fuge.
If it is a FOWLR, I would start doing water changes once a week so you don't develop an algae problem.
Overall, that is a lot of fish to have in a 29 unless you have a way to prevent nitrates/phosphate. I'm a believer in trying out things for yourself, but with that many creatures, you may start to have die-off.
How much live rock? Do you have a DSB? Any Macro-Algae? Skimmer? Filtration?
Well at the moment it is a FOWLR but I want to add corals soon. Right now I am using a 55 gallon canister, and I have around 30 lbs. of live rock. I plan on buying a 125 gallon rated marine land super skimmer in the future. I also am planning on moving to a 55 gallon within the next two months and using my 29 as a sump w/ the skimmer attached.