Stocking 46-gallon


Hey! I have a 46-gallon fowlr and I am looking for some new fish. I was going to get a mixture of damsels, but decided against it. (Too bad I can't change my wwas made on a whim... :mad: ) I am interested in sixline wrasses, but I think I heard/read somewhere that there was a serious downfall...maybe I'm mistaken. If you have any suggestions, please reply! My current inhabitants are:
1 Occ. Clownfish
2 Green Chromis
1 Yellowtail Damsel-(I am going to be setting up a 10-gallon sump on my aquarium, would it be ok, if I put a couple glass sheets to seperate a section, if I put the damsel in the ten gallon? It would be hooked up to the 46-gallon, so it would have the stability of a 56-gallon, just not as much swimming space.


Guess it is mostly personal preference as to what you want. Just make sure your fish are compatible with each other and can handle a 46 gallon tank. I have a 46 gallon tank too and I have 2 chromis, 1 neon goby, 1 citrinis clown goby, 1 royal gramma, 1 clarki clown, 1 yellow tail damsel and a Pacific Blue Tang (my tank is a little small for it but it has done well over the past few years) The clarki clown is the bully of the tank.


Active Member
I'll throw in, because I imagine it will be mentioned, that, in general, and IMO a tang is not suitable for this tank size for long term. Many would say even for short term. Many would say never no way no how, and I disagree pretty strongly with that.
I personally think it depends on several factors but ideally tangs would outgrow this tank rather quickly. If they don't, that is a concern :(
I discourage keeping blue, yellow or most other types of tangs in this size system for the most part. Several tangs can be found in extremely small sizes and these may be some exceptions - the trade off, IMO, is that you should keep few if any other fish, and that you have another larger tank already established for it in the future. I have a Kole tang (one of the few that do well in *relatively* smaller systems such as 4' tanks, but it will be going into a several thousand gallon system. The only other fish is a sixline wrasse.
I like these wrasses, or others such as flasher and velvet wrasses very much. Some can pose a threat at some point to ornamental shrimp, and can sometimes be bullies.
Grammas and pseudos are also good choices but watch for similar colors and shapes. They have big attitiduse in small bodies.
A dwarf angel such as a coral beauty, flame or several others may be suitable - assuming a good amount of LR.
As for your sump plans and the damsel, well, it isn't really ideal. Water volume is important in stability but the animals still need room to move. If it was maybe 5 gallons and a refugium, it might be marginal. Less and just a sump is not the nicest environment for it. :(


Ok, thanks for the suggestions! I not sure I'm gonna go with a ten gallon sump...thanks! (I'll probably trade the damsel in for something at the lfs.


Active Member
I always like to thank about compability, adult size and water layers.
Look for fish that tend to prefer a certain water leve. IE chromis towards the top, gobies toward the bottom wrasses for movement and all levels and stationary like firefish or some clowns.
Theres a great web site out there somewhere that gives a good compability matrix. Can't remember where it is but a google search should find it.
Good luck and let us know what you decice.


I was thinking about getting a 6-line wrasse but to my dissapointment found out that they can be a hit-and-miss with inverts...I am going to a nice fish store tomorrow and they have several 6-line wrasses, I'll have to see if they keep them in a tank with inverts. I want a tank that has fish other than the stereotypical fish...I think I will sell the blue damsel (or trade it in for store credit) and then the clown I am not sure what I want to do...either buy her a partner, or trade her in and buy a tomoto(s)...What'dya think? Any suggestions of not as common...(even just a tomatoe clown instead of a perc or occ.) that would work in my tank would be great. I like the way butterflies look..any hardier species?