Stocking 75g reef


Active Member
I know this one has been chewed to the bone, but could you please give me some good ideas for stocking my 75 with a few fish.
This tank will not have SPS corals, only LPS and softies.
Currently I've got about 100lb LR and 80lb LS and the only fish in are
- female false clown
- male true clown
- tomyjama shrimp goby + pistol shrimp pair
I'm not moving any other fish from my old tank to this one so help would be appreciated.
CUC includes:
- 8-9 large turbo's
- 4 porcelain crabs (2 blue, 2 red)
- 15 nassarius vibex
- 6 nassarius large
- 5 zebra hermits
- handful of other hermits
- 6 margaritas + a small amount of other snails
I'd love to have a pygmy angel and possibly a copper band or other coral and reef safe butterfly. Blenny of course needs to be on the list (have a black sailfin blenny for 150).


Active Member
Gotta have cardinals abd firefish.

Either; royal gramma, black cap or Arabian blueline dottyback
Klein's butterfly,yellow longnose butterfly,Pyramid BF, or maybe a banner
Love a foxface
Flasher wrasse or sixline
Midas blenny,bicolor, mimic
Rainford's goby
Just some ideas.


Active Member
Here is what I'm thinking...
- Royal Gramma
- Midas Blenny
- a group of Assessors or Antheas or blue chromis
- maybe 2 Bangaii Cardinals
That should be enough to mix with my current 2 clowns and goby.

matt b

Active Member
That seems ok. Maybe a copperband? Some sort of wrasse just something to stand out! I love having all my lil fish then one ok sized one


Active Member
Originally Posted by MaTT B
That seems ok. Maybe a copperband? Some sort of wrasse just something to stand out! I love having all my lil fish then one ok sized one
Copperband would be nice, but got info from a fellow reefer that they are difficult to feed and acclimate successfully.

matt b

Active Member
Originally Posted by SpiderWoman
Copperband would be nice, but got info from a fellow reefer that they are difficult to feed and acclimate successfully.
Yes they are. You have to acclimate them slow and give them a day befor you even try to feed. Some do better then others. I just got one not to long ago that my lfs had for about a week and acclimated him slow and waited a day in a half he eat very little for a few days and now hes the pig of the tank and LOVES picking at the rocks. And he has never touched a coral. Every time I put one in he will look at it for EVER and then pick at the rock to make sure its clean and then lets it be.IMO as long as you have the right tank size/conditions they are GREAT fish
A pair of cardinals would be nice. I have had mine for 5 or 6 months and they are holding their 2nd batch of babies in a month.


I would get rid of one of the clowns and get another of the type you keep. If you keep a female make sure you get a very small specimen of the same type for it to pair with,every reef has to have a pair of clowns Im pretty sure its a written down rule in some lawbook somewhere. Next thing you have to have a nice wrasse they are the coolest fish on the reef and will become your favorite fish. I got a new Potters leopard about a month ago so hes my current favorite,get a nice tamarin or a radiant . If you do get a CB try and find one at a LFS that is eating but pack a lunch. If you do have to order one or buy one that isnt eating yet get some brine shrimp eggs and feed it live brine mixed with cyclopeeze so it will associate the smell of prepared food with the live shrimp,CBs are great fish and not that hard to keep IF you can get them to eat.


Active Member
I've had my clowns together for 5 months so I'm not going to split them up. The female is over 5yrs old and had just lost her mate before I bought her. The male is still a young on and was 6mo when I bought him. They were buddy-buddy as soon as the male went into the tank.
Now that I have the Green Mandarin in the tank (arrived yesterday) I'm most likely only going to get the Midas Blenny and be done with it. I don't want anything in the tank that might be aggressive to stress out the Mandarin.
I can get more fish in the 150 once that is setup anways :)


Active Member
I have one going to the 150 and one is enough. I'm not too hot about the standard Tangs anyways. Kole Tang might be nice, but if anything is going to stress out the Mandarin, I won't put it in this tank.