Stocking a 12 Gallon



could i have,
1 Clownfish
1 Other small fish
4 Small hermit crabs, prefferably the ones with blue legs
1 snail
1 blood shrimp
1 boxing crab
1 emrald crab or other sort of crab
or would this be overstocking???. thanks


Active Member
1 Clownfish - yep, depending on the species1 Other small fish - yep
4 Small hermit crabs, prefferably the ones with blue legs
- yep*
1 snail
- yep **
1 blood shrimp
- yep
1 boxing crab
- don't know anything about them
1 emrald crab or other sort of crab
- yep
* your clean up crew should have some variety... I'd suggest 2 blue legs, 2 scarlet reef hermits, and 2 dwarf zebras.
** you'll likely want a few more snails than this, say 2 turbos and 2-4 ceriths.


alrighty, thanks, will there be enough of a cleanup crew to keep my sand clean?


Active Member
possibly, the snails may have a mini war with the hermits and then you may need to buy more.... get your hermits big and your snails small, that may make it difficult for them to kill each other...


Originally Posted by jacksonpt
1 Clownfish
- yep, depending on the species
1 Other small fish
- yep
4 Small hermit crabs, prefferably the ones with blue legs
- yep*
1 snail
- yep **
1 blood shrimp
- yep
1 boxing crab
- don't know anything about them
1 emrald crab or other sort of crab
- yep
* your clean up crew should have some variety... I'd suggest 2 blue legs, 2 scarlet reef hermits, and 2 dwarf zebras.
** you'll likely want a few more snails than this, say 2 turbos and 2-4 ceriths.
whhat would be the best species for a nano, (refering to the clownfish)


Active Member
tru percs are a wee bit smaller i believe, and look cooler, yet cost more, get what ya pay for... i payed for a false :) cuz im cheap, but shes got alot of black, so i like to think of it as a true perc.


Also, beware of the blue legged hermits.......they are the most viscious of the bunch. I would recommend scarlet or halloween hermits. They have great coloring and aren't as mean as the blue legs.