I have been running a 125g reef for more then a year now. All water poarameters have been stable and everything looks healthy. I have a Sailfin Tang about 5", 5 Green Chromis 2" each, Bangaii Cardinal close to 4", and a small Maroon Clown 3" or so. I also have a few corals and a BTA. I was wondering if it would be okay to add a few more fish? Some of the fishes I would like to keep are as follows:
Coral Beauty
Lawnmower Blenny
Some sort of Sand Sifting Goby
Do you guys think I could fit these 3 fish in my tank without any problems? Dont want to make a trip to the LFs and pick up a fish if its not a suitable enviroment for it.
ActionJack :joy:
Coral Beauty
Lawnmower Blenny
Some sort of Sand Sifting Goby
Do you guys think I could fit these 3 fish in my tank without any problems? Dont want to make a trip to the LFs and pick up a fish if its not a suitable enviroment for it.
ActionJack :joy: