Stocking a 125 reef


I have been running a 125g reef for more then a year now. All water poarameters have been stable and everything looks healthy. I have a Sailfin Tang about 5", 5 Green Chromis 2" each, Bangaii Cardinal close to 4", and a small Maroon Clown 3" or so. I also have a few corals and a BTA. I was wondering if it would be okay to add a few more fish? Some of the fishes I would like to keep are as follows:
Coral Beauty
Lawnmower Blenny
Some sort of Sand Sifting Goby
Do you guys think I could fit these 3 fish in my tank without any problems? Dont want to make a trip to the LFs and pick up a fish if its not a suitable enviroment for it.
ActionJack :joy:


I really don't see a problem in adding those 3 fish so long as you have plenty of LR, and decent filtration, non of those new fish you've listed are really going to increase your bioload that much, not in a 125. Really the only thing in there doing much of anything to your bioload is that sailfin, so you're alright there. The only major thing i would advise would be to maybe add 2 of them first, check parameters periodically for about a month, and it everythings stable, go ahead with the last fish
I would say all is a go.


Maroon clowns can get aggressive, maybe too much for a goby, but yes the other 2 should be just fine.


yes, although the maroon can get a bit aggressive, it's also in a standard 125gal. I'm sure there will be plenty of room in it for the both of them
Plus, if that was your thinking then the blenny would be out too....


My Maroon stays in one corner of my tank where the anenome is, so the gobies and blennies have basically the whole tank :)