stocking a 150g



I have been planning on starting my 150 as a FO peaceful tank, but due to my boyfriends love of the niger trigger i am considering making it an agressive tank.
So my question is if you had a 150g tank and the only real requirements were that you have a niger trigger what else would you stock it with?
If you add an eel to the setup also give me an idea with out one. I'm not sure i want one. I really do, but i have heard that they may try to escape the tank.
I read in a previous post that you should keep live rock with a niger is this ok with all triggers?
thanks for any ideas,


Actually you could probably get away with keeping a niger with a semi-aggresive setup like tangs and so on. In which case the live rock would be beneficial to both the niger, which can be very shy when first acclimated but little by little becomes much more bolder, and the tangs which love to graze. As far as keeping an eel I don't think that would be a great idea in your case if you want to keep somewhat of a community style tank. And yes sometimes eels do try and escape and sometimes succeed. Most triggers would appreciate the lr and I think so will you once you see the look it brings to your tank. HTH
Happy Fish Keepin'


LionFish says......
Well lets see here. There are many fish that can go with Nigers but you have to factor in that triggers are aggressive and while the Niger is quite calm compared to the rest it can still be aggressive. So first thing to get cleared up is that you can't have any small fish as triggers will eat small fish no matter what. BUT for the sake that I won't get chewed out, some people have kept them with small fish but it is very rare. Some cool fish I can recommend are nice but are aggressive so if you don't want an aggressive set-up then most of these fish won't work but you must remember triggers have to have rather aggressive tankmates. So here goes: Lionfish, Groupers, Hamlets, Large Wrasses, Eels, Puffers, Harlequin Tusk, Squirrelfish, Snappers, Porkfish,some Tangs, and a couple others. Avoid SMALL fish. And it is good to have some rock in an aggressive tank for shelter and for filing their teeth.


thanks for the info. i think that i may read up a bit more on some of these fish and then try to succeed with this tank.
Is live sand ok with agressive tanks or will it just end up dead?!


LionFish says......
Live sand beds do well in just about any tank. It can be quite beneficial. I say get a deep sand bed which helps the tank kill off nitrates and helps cycle the tank.

green wolf

New Member
I would put a deep sand bed in the tank and with the niger i would and a Marron clown or a Dogface puffer.
Green Wolf has spoken
Green Wolf