stocking a 210g (mostly tangs)


i am getting a 210 gal in the summer and i am begining to plan what i want in it
which tangs do you recomend for me to narrow it down to
also i want a pair of heniochus butterlies and either a green bird wrasse or spanish hogfish
here are the ones i am looking at
Blue Hippo
Kole Tang
Naso Tang
Sailfin Tang
Yellow Tang
Chevron Tang
Purple Tang
Green Bird Wrasse
Spanish Hogfish
Heniochus Butterfly
any comments or suggestions


Active Member
i think there will be some agression problems
here would be mine
emperor angel
4 yellow tangs
3 regal tangs
1 sfe
1 niger trigger
1 hawaiin black trigger
1 blue throat trigger
porcupine puffer
that's about it it might be a little overstocked


Yeah it is overstocked. I would shorten it too:
4 yellow tangs
3 REgal Tangs
1 Niger Trigger
1 Humu Humu Trigger
1 sfe
1 Emperor Angel
Green Bird Wrasse


Active Member
Originally Posted by nigertrigg
Yeah it is overstocked. I would shorten it too:
4 yellow tangs
3 REgal Tangs
1 Niger Trigger
1 Humu Humu Trigger
1 sfe
1 Emperor Angel
Green Bird Wrasse

shorten it to? thats adding on!


Originally Posted by JacknJill
shorten it to? thats adding on!
Umm, lets get back to our basic mathematics. He had 13 fish and I had 12 fish. Well as you can see (
at least I hope), 13 is greater than 12 therefore shortening it. Are you straight now?


Active Member
Originally Posted by nigertrigg
Umm, lets get back to our basic mathematics. He had 13 fish and I had 12 fish. Well as you can see (
at least I hope), 13 is greater than 12 therefore shortening it. Are you straight now?
yes, and as i said earlier, i thought you were revising DOugsBacks' list, which ADDS fish. but you were revising Jr's list, who kind of hijacked the thread.
Doug: 11 fish
Blue Hippo
Kole Tang
Naso Tang
Sailfin Tang
Yellow Tang
Chevron Tang
Purple Tang
Green Bird Wrasse
Spanish Hogfish
Heniochus Butterfly
Jr: 13
emperor angel
4 yellow tangs
3 regal tangs
1 sfe
1 niger trigger
1 hawaiin black trigger
1 blue throat trigger
porcupine puffer
and niger: 12
4 yellow tangs
3 REgal Tangs
1 Niger Trigger
1 Humu Humu Trigger
1 sfe
1 Emperor Angel
Green Bird Wrasse


Originally Posted by JacknJill
yes, and as i said earlier, i thought you were revising DOugsBacks' list, which ADDS fish. but you were revising Jr's list, who kind of hijacked the thread.
Doug: 11 fish
Blue Hippo
Kole Tang
Naso Tang
Sailfin Tang
Yellow Tang
Chevron Tang
Purple Tang
Green Bird Wrasse
Spanish Hogfish
Heniochus Butterfly
Jr: 13
emperor angel
4 yellow tangs
3 regal tangs
1 sfe
1 niger trigger
1 hawaiin black trigger
1 blue throat trigger
porcupine puffer
and niger: 12
4 yellow tangs
3 REgal Tangs
1 Niger Trigger
1 Humu Humu Trigger
1 sfe
1 Emperor Angel
Green Bird Wrasse
First of all, no one hijacked the thread as you put it. He was just simply giving Doug an alternate stocking list to appease the aggression he had in his earlier stocking list.
On the other hand, I was referring to Jr maybe becuuse I was replying to him about what he said.
Are you good jacknjill?


thanks for the suggestions but arent angels a bit harder to maintain?
also the Heniochus Butterflies.. would they get bullied
any others with a wider variety of tangs
hows this?
if not, why not these fish

2 yellows
green bird
3 Heniochus Butterfly
humu humu


Active Member
Originally Posted by nigertrigg
First of all, no one hijacked the thread as you put it. He was just simply giving Doug an alternate stocking list to appease the aggression he had in his earlier stocking list.
On the other hand, I was referring to Jr maybe becuuse I was replying to him about what he said.
Are you good jacknjill?
omg, will you just drop it? when i said that Jr was kind of hijacking the thread, in my opinion he was. doug said his possible list of fish, and then Jr comes in with a completely different list of fish. if doug had wanted those fish, he wouldve said them. now its not a full on "hijack", but you know what i mean.
and when you replyed to Jr about his list, once again i will tell you that i was confused and thought that you were reccomending a new fish list for Doug.
Ok? are you clear now? Lets drop it


jacknjill what do you think about the newest one... i would like the most amount of different kinds of tangs as possible


Active Member
well, i dont really know anything about hogfish, but i think all of your fish should be ok. the butterflies may get bullied by the triggers, but the whole trick in getting aggressive fish to get along is the order in which you add them. your tangs might fight when you introduce them, hopefully not much though because they are not very similiar shapes, just make sure you add the yellows together. your tank may be a little overstocked once the fish start to grow more. you need good filtration and a good amount of liverock. now this is just MY opinion, but you probably want to wait for someone else's.


Active Member
Here's my suggestion, going off of your original list, Doug.
Blue Hippo
Kole Tang
Naso Tang
Sailfin Tang
Purple Tang
Green Bird Wrasse
Spanish Hogfish
Heniochus Butterfly
The main thing you have to worry about, with Tangs, is aggression. Mainly, the ones that look alike/have the same body shape are the ones you have to worry about (Sailfins, Purples, Yellows, etc).
With a Blue, Naso, Sailfin and Purple, you might have to worry about the aggression from the Sailfin and Purple. But, with a 210gal. tank, there's enough room, IMO, for them to cohabitate successfully. They would need to be provided with plenty of rock work.
If you wanted to do 2 or 3 Heniochus, I'd cut out the Hippo.
That, my friend, would be a sweet tank:
Kole Tang
Naso Tang
Sailfin Tang
Purple Tang
Green Bird Wrasse
Spanish Hog
Heniochus Butterfly x 3
This is all assuming that it's a 7'+ tank. I would not suggest this in a 6' tank or smaller.


Active Member
My tank is a 210. I went "Reef" so we have different stocking goals.
I can tell you: My small purple Tang looks beautiful swimming back and forth. Research your Tangs carefully, stock slowly, QT to avoid diseases and that is going to be one SWEET tank.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Bailey52
Boy you cant tell from this thread that jacknjill is a 15 yr old girl can you??

whats that supposed to mean?


Originally Posted by Bailey52
Boy you cant tell from this thread that jacknjill is a 15 yr old girl can you??

yes i can tell he is a 5 yr old girl i mean 15 year old freshman. Your claiming thta guy was hijacking this thread but in reality he was simply helping the other guy. Now we are all trying to help except you freshman.