stocking a 29 gallon....suggestions?


I have a 29g that has been up and running for 2 months now and I already have a few new additions planned. I was just curious if anyone forsees any problems with these fish in my 29. I am very interested in your opinions and reccomendations.
Thanks in advance,
1 yellow tail blue damsel
1 black cap damsel
1 domino damsel
(I plan on taking the damsels back if it looks like they will be overly aggressive)
1 black and white clown
1 true percula
1 bicolor blennie
I have about 70lbs of live rock, seaclone 100 protein skimmer,
power filter, power head, 110w 10k pc lighting.


New Member
It looks like you have a lot of lr! Do you think you have enough room for the fishes?? I have a 31g and I only have 30 lbs of lr, and I have :
3 false perc. clowns
1 blue demsel
1 redlip blenny
2 cleaner shrimps
1 small flower plot
1 red mushroom
and I think it's just enough space for them!! With that much lr, you will need a good cleaning crew for the algae... Also you have a lot of equipment in the tank too! dead spots might be a problem!!


getting rid of the damsels is an option that I am leaning towards.
I have that much LR because the pet store said that would help if there was a lot of LR to make caves for the fishies to hide in.


I would vote against the damsels. No matter what, they are eventually going to get very aggressive, especially towards each other.


can you get a picture of your tank, I would like to see how all that LR looks, that is alot of LR, big time no on the Damsels the are lil

and will fight with the other fish,....but JMO...


New Member
Yep, second that. If you really want a damsel, put only one in, and please make him the very last fish you add!!


i agree .........if you get the damsel's you will end up taking out your LR to get them me.


Active Member
Yes, please post a pic of your tank. That is alot of LR for a 29, I guess the LFS sold you more than you needed just to get more money out of you.:thinking: I strongly advice against the damsels, it would be next to impossible to catch them with that many LR in your tank without removing the rocks.


I will try to post a pic but I have a really bad digital camera so I don't know how well it will turn out.
Let me ask you this question, If I take the damesels back to do that I could get more once my 125g is ready? Or is it still not a good idea to have the damels and the other fish together in any size tank?
Thank you all so much for all your help.


I think I was wrong on the amount of rock....I think it is closer to 50. I was thinking my rocks were $4 per pound. But they aren't some were $7 per pound.
It may be too much and I may have to do something about that but it does look pretty :)
My tank is nothing compaired to a lot of the pictures of I have seen of other's tanks but considering this is my first one and only 2 months old, I think I did kinda good :)
Thanks, and I will try to get those pics.


My is really bad so these pictures aren't the best.
I am getting rid of the dead coral and the shells, I thought it would be cute at first but now I'm just not happy with it.
Oh, yeah I have a cyano outbreak right now...that's way the substrate looks rust colored.


New Member
I agree. Looks like 30lbs of lr only! How much did they charge You??!
I would suggest to stack them up to create more gaps between them. Also leave a lot of room around the lr to avoid dead spots!


This is what happens with Damsels. These suckers have been there since the tank first started 2 years ago. They chase and nip at each other, but just annoy more then hurt. I tried adding clowns to host in my bubble tip, but they got harassed and attacked viciously. I was lucky enough to remove the clowns both at once without moving rocks. There is a spotted hawk that I added recently and he hides in the rocks away from the blue devils.


Yeah it's 40lbs because the rock is very dense. They aren't very large but they are solid. I spent like $200 on the rocks. Some of the rocks are $4 per pound and some are 7 per pound. I just did the math and it was right about 40lbs.
I'm so sorry about that, I didn't mean to mislead anyone.
It is hard to tell in the picture but I do have gaps. 6 gaps. They are kinda small but at the size my fish are now they are perfect for them. THey have each claimed a gap of their own. I was thinking about getting a few more rocks so I could make larger gaps.
I can't do too much with the rocks that are already there as far as spacing them out more because they are already as far as I can get them. My rocks are pretty small.
I already have the damsels because I was told to use them to cycle my tank. But I am really leaning towards taking them back before I add anything else.
If I get rid of the damsels do you think these fish would work:
1 true percula clown
1 back and white percula clown
1 bicolor blennie
1 firefish goby
I am not totally sure what fish I want to go with yet.
Except for the percs, they are a must.


yeah I was wrong. I only have about 40lbs.
Your rocks looks pretty porous also, that is why you have so much rock and it only weighs 55lbs.
My rocks are very dense so mine weigh more but are smaller.