stocking a 300 gallon


hello i might be getting a 300 gallon i was wondering if i can put a sting ray with sharks.
also i would like to put moray eel but i dont if i can keep on if it is fully grown. ( Can some suggest me a good large eel)
can you also advise me on what other tank mates i can put in.
I will be transfering a blue tang, and a kole tang form my 55 gallon.
thank you
It would be tough to keep an eel and a sting ray b/c the eel needs lots of rockwork to find a hiding spot, and the ray needs no rock so it can swim in the sand.
As for eels though I would reccomend a tessalata or a green moray.
I wouldnt keep a trigger, puffer or any other particularly aggressive fish with the ray... they might pick on him.
A wrasse would be good, or maybe an adult angel.


New Member
Doesn't a Green Moray get 7+ feet? I'm stocking my 190 w/a Zebra moray & they can get approx. 3 foot. And are regarded as gentle/hardy morays. There's a site called that is dedicated to all moray sizes, care, food, compatibility & etc. Check it out, it will help, it helped me greatly.

tony detroit

Active Member
as far as rays go
1. do not buy a blue spot
2. your best luck will be with cali rays and yellow rays
3. cali rays are better in lower temp water, so you'll have more to chose from if you keep a yellow ray
4. rays require a moderate level of dedication, I'm not going to call myself an expert and put my head in the clouds, but they are not easily kept just so you know. The book Aquarium Sharks and Rays by Scott Michael will help you immensely