Stocking A 300?


New Member
I was wanting some suggestions on what to stock my 300 with?
Currently I have a
6" Lime Green Wrasse
4" Vagabond Butterfly
Yellow Tailed Damsel
18" Snowflake Eel
2 large Hermit Crabs

matt b

Active Member
Originally Posted by Saba3516
I was wanting some suggestions on what to stock my 300 with?
Currently I have a
6" Lime Green Wrasse
4" Vagabond Butterfly
Yellow Tailed Damsel
18" Snowflake Eel
2 large Hermit Crabs
got any pix? maybe some tangs


Active Member
Well do you want aggressive? A 300 is a pretty blank slate. You can add most any fish in there. With your stocklist, the ocean is the limit :)


New Member
I would definitely want a aggressive tank , I'm just not sure how many or what type of fish would be a good combo. I have had a 125 for just over three years now and the fish I listed earlier are all the one's have put in there in three years.


New Member
Would I be able to keep more then one eel in a 300? And if so, what would be a good choice with a SF eel?


Active Member
Well I can say from experiance a green moray will make a snack of your SFE and even triggers that get too close will be a meal .


Active Member
Originally Posted by crimzy
I think you're pretty much fully stocked.

HUH?!? He has 2 real fish, an eel, and a damsal in a 300 gallon tank.

I would say pick a fish or 2 you really really like and plan around that, about any large angel, most triggers, tangs, puffer, you could definately do another eel, just avoid the monster eels and triggers.


New Member
Those 3 fish and the SFE are in my 125, I will be moving them to my 300 soon. I'm thinking of going with a Zebra or a Honeycomb Moray. Don't want any triggers, I don't like them. Just have such a hard time deciding what it is I want. I would like to get a Naso Tang and a small Lion Fish, but after that not sure what else if anything I would put in the tank. Will have 370 pounds of sand, about 150 lbs of live rock. Filtration wise I will have a 75 gallon refrugium, a FX5 canister filter, a 40 watt UV, a berlin xl Protein skimmer, and finally a 36" x 15" x 12" wet/dry that pumps out 1000 gallons an hour. Have everything except the sand. Can't wait to get it up and running.


Active Member
lion fish, tusk, big maroon or tomato clown, naso, blue jaw or crosshatch trigger pair, I could go on for days.