)Yea, dont go with a goby. I personally dont like gobies, but whatever. Also, sebae clowns, with my experience, are EVIL!! My sebae was the hitler of clowns, didnt like other clowns. Killed 3 clowns in the same day. Plus, oscellaris are just so much cooler. As for the missing fish, to replace the gobie, I would say.... Lawnmower Blenny. They will keep yer tank clean, they have lots of personality and they are hardy. Always a good choice, lots or people have em. They would all agree that they are great. I named mine Buddy, mostly becuz he flies behind a rock wen I walk in the room (scaredy pants
) As for the angel, butterfly, the butterfly is always a little sketchy, and angels are sometimes easier to keep. Get a lemonpeel or flame angel, cuz they are nice. Lemon peels will add some definite color. Or, I have a yellow tang in my tank, adds color and he is great, TANG POLICE, I don't wanna hear it, k, he is perectly fine. LOL, if u want, put a yellow tang in, thye are nice and hardy. K, good luck.