stocking a 55 gal. tank


I've just finished cycling my tank and i've made a list of fish I want. If you have any comments I'd love to hear them.
1 six line wrasse
1 neon goby
1 firefish and 1purple firefish
2 sebae clowns
2 ocellaris clowns
1 Heniochus butterfly
1 royal gramma
1 flame angel


Probably not a good idea to mix the clowns. I would pick one pair or the other. The heniochus will eventually grow too large for your tank. They can get up to 10 inches I think. I would recommend dropping the heniochus and teh sebae clowns. Add the flame angel last as it is the least accepting of new tankmates on your list.



Originally posted by shawnhardy
Probably not a good idea to mix the clowns. I would pick one pair or the other. The heniochus will eventually grow too large for your tank. They can get up to 10 inches I think. I would recommend dropping the heniochus and teh sebae clowns. Add the flame angel last as it is the least accepting of new tankmates on your list.

I agree. Drop the butterfly and one of the clown pairs.



Originally posted by clownsRcoo
Can you make any suggestions on a cool, but small butterfly or angel fish for my 55 gal. tank?

Any of the dwarf angels are a good choice but only one.


I wouldnt put in more than a couple gobies. and neon gobies are constantly getting cought in filters and alike. try either two firefish or two purple firefish I wouldnt suggest mixing also I agree drop the butterfly and one pair on clowns. also many people have had problems with clownfish attacking gobies so choose carefully on that instance. I am thinking a chromnis might be a good addition but I have to think that one over. hope this helps


Active Member
)Yea, dont go with a goby. I personally dont like gobies, but whatever. Also, sebae clowns, with my experience, are EVIL!! My sebae was the hitler of clowns, didnt like other clowns. Killed 3 clowns in the same day. Plus, oscellaris are just so much cooler. As for the missing fish, to replace the gobie, I would say.... Lawnmower Blenny. They will keep yer tank clean, they have lots of personality and they are hardy. Always a good choice, lots or people have em. They would all agree that they are great. I named mine Buddy, mostly becuz he flies behind a rock wen I walk in the room (scaredy pants :eek:) As for the angel, butterfly, the butterfly is always a little sketchy, and angels are sometimes easier to keep. Get a lemonpeel or flame angel, cuz they are nice. Lemon peels will add some definite color. Or, I have a yellow tang in my tank, adds color and he is great, TANG POLICE, I don't wanna hear it, k, he is perectly fine. LOL, if u want, put a yellow tang in, thye are nice and hardy. K, good luck.