Originally Posted by
lcaldwell85 http:///t/391079/stocking-a-72-gallon-bowfront#post_3466576
Okay, thank you. If you don't mind my asking, I know they say to never mix angels... But how to all these people on youtube have coral beauties mixed with flame angels, and emperors mixed with multiple angels etc.? Is it just that they don't care if they fight, or is the tank large enough to establish seperate territories? I think I might have a problem with my coral beauty, I should have thought it through before adding her so soon but too late now. She's very territorial over the entire bed of live rock. Do you think she'll prove to be an issue in adding new tankmates now? She was the last one added out of the four that I have, but I definitely intend to add more.
In a larger tank, and if the angels have different body shapes (such as the Coral Beauty and Flame), it usually will work. I did it in a 155, but I wouldn't do it in your size tank. My CB was territorial as well, she'd follow a new comer around for a day or two, but never harmed them, it's just part of their nature I think. When adding a new fish, feed the tank and turn off the lights to distract the CB.
I don't recommend a Leopard Wrasse, especially if you're set on doing a mandarin. You'll have a hard time supporting one, definitely don't recommend trying both. Pods are the leopard wrasses main diet as well. My Leopard wrasse spends all day hunting the rocks for pods just like my mandarin does.
Yellow: Yellow Assessor, Midas Blenny, FoxFace Lo
Red: Resplendent Anthias (a small group of 3 would work well in your setup), or a flasher or fairy wrasse, or red firefish (don't add these if you do a midas, the midas will harass them)
Blue: neon goby, flasher or fairy wrasse