Stocking a new 29g tank...need Advice


I am almost done cycling my tank and was wondering if these fish would work well together. I am trying to get easier (hardier) fish to maintain as I am new to this: Currently I have 4 damsels which I plan to remove (one is super mean) and a 9lb live rock.
Blue tang
lawnmower blenny
maroon clown
a Humuhumu trigger or a dogface puffer (i heard that the trigger would pick on smaller fish so I was thinking adding a juvi in last or just going with the puffer)
could I go with 2 tangs: a blue and a powder brown if I add them at the same time??
also, I was thinking of having a couple shrimp.
So total of 4 fish and a couple shrimp.
Thanks for everyones input!!!!


Active Member
I wouldnt suggest puffer as well. They do get quite large and will eat your smaller fish and your shrimp and will be quite messy in doing so. Same goes for the triggers. The maroon clown and lawnmower blenny would do fine. Maroon clowns can get a bit aggressive if given an anemone. They will protect it from anything getting to close. Some good fish would be pygmy angels which has been mentioned gobies firefish and some wrasses. Theres more but it would be best to do much research on any of the animals you buy. It is commendable on your part that you asked first instead of buying first.


Active Member
Originally Posted by jafrancis
I am almost done cycling my tank and was wondering if these fish would work well together. I am trying to get easier (hardier) fish to maintain as I am new to this: Currently I have 4 damsels which I plan to remove (one is super mean) and a 9lb live rock.
Blue tang
lawnmower blenny
maroon clown
a Humuhumu trigger or a dogface puffer (i heard that the trigger would pick on smaller fish so I was thinking adding a juvi in last or just going with the puffer)
could I go with 2 tangs: a blue and a powder brown if I add them at the same time??
also, I was thinking of having a couple shrimp.
So total of 4 fish and a couple shrimp.
Thanks for everyones input!!!!
That 29 gallon tank is wayyyyyyyyy too small for your stocking list!! I really suggest you read more into it before going any further!!! I know it's good that you asked first, but I feel you have not done any research what so ever. Not trying to flame ya, but you really should do some major research and come up with a better stocking list! The only ones that would do would be the maroon clown and the lawnmower blenny(if there's enough algae for it to feed on, but you can always supplement). That 29 gallon won't do for a tang, trigger, or a puffer!!! Research Research Research!!! May I suggest just do a couple of Clowns and a couple of Green Chromis. :happyfish


If I were you I would head over to the "Nano" section. They have some great pic's and good advice on fish for a tank of that size.


Thanks to those with CONSTRUCTIVE I said I am new to this and want to do things right.....I thought that by posting on this site i WAS doing research. as some of you mentioned, I have NOT added fish yet. It would be STUPID to have put these fish in and ask after but I haven't done that.


Active Member
A LMB would probly starve in a new 29g. They need a lot of established live rock to feed from.
Asking questions here is OK but you have to expect alot of different opinons from the web. Best get a book on SW fish and aquariums ect. Many small fish that can go in a 29g but even with a Maroon you will be limited because they can get very agressive.


Active Member
Im sure all meant well. Its just many these days have gone and bought fish and coral without research and the poor things end up dead and all theyre trying to do is have that avoided. These forums and many other are a great way to research and ask questions. Another way is to buy books or magazines and do lots of reading and research the fish or coral you want. Doing so will help you understand the needs of the animal and increase their chances of survival. Your off to a good start and I hope you learn lots and have much fun with this hobby


I know that everyone means well, BUT this is in the NEW hobbyists section for people who are in need of help. But i REALLY do appreciate everones help and opinions. But to some extent, there is a way to help without discouraging new hobbyists.
What do you guys think of a list like so:
1-2 clowns (oceanis, tomato, or percs maybe better than maroon)
A LM Blenny (maybe i can suppliment his diet if i don't have enough live rock)
a royal gramma
a dwarf angel maybe.......
what are your thoughts on a Valentini puffer added last instead of a angel??


Active Member
Thats sounds better! A pair of perculas or ocellaris clowns would be good. You can suppliment the blennies diet with nori and you might even get him to eat mysis. Mine ate everything I gave him. Royal gramma are real nice and an angel would be fine, they may nip on your inverts such s feather dusters and even corals and clams. The puffer will most likely nip your fish and inverts.


Active Member
The clowns you want to add at the same time. The gramma and the blenny anytime is fine and maybe the angel last. Last one I had was a bit aggressive to my newcomers


Active Member
Originally Posted by jafrancis
I know that everyone means well, BUT this is in the NEW hobbyists section for people who are in need of help. But i REALLY do appreciate everones help and opinions. But to some extent, there is a way to help without discouraging new hobbyists.
What do you guys think of a list like so:
1-2 clowns (oceanis, tomato, or percs maybe better than maroon)
A LM Blenny (maybe i can suppliment his diet if i don't have enough live rock)
a royal gramma
a dwarf angel maybe.......
what are your thoughts on a Valentini puffer added last instead of a angel??
Not trying to discourge you as a new hobbiest. We're just letting you know what you can and can't have in a 29 gallon tank!!! If your sticking all those into a 29, you have NOT done your research!!! You asked and we've answered, if you feel that's discourging, then maybe this isn't the hobby for you. Not trying to flame you or anything, but it's the reality. Do you want problems down the road and with you posting saying HELP my fish are dying with ich or my puffer is eating one of my fish, etc. If not, then you should listen to what is told. I would NOT suggest a dwarf angel in that size tank still!!! Stick with small fish!!! Good Luck... :happyfish