stocking for 100gal tang question


I'm setting up a 100gal reef and I want a tang but I dont want one of your normal tangs, yellow,P blue,P brown, purple, or naso
I like them all but you just see too many of them any suggestions?


I would have to go with a black tang.... or maby a Powder Blue Tang.... to my the are stunning..
But it is up to you.
Good luck


Active Member
Nice picture goldfish and I vote for the chevron, they got a ver unique color. Also the clown tangs are awesome to.


thanks for the replies!!
kip4130: yes the sohal is the tang I really want mabie my next tank:yes:
mukiwa: I thought black tangs also had to have much bigger tanks? any one elce know about the space needed for black tangs
Golfish: I was leaning toward the chevron and after that pic its hard not to get one do they stay that vibrant with age?
thanks for the pic
everyone elce thanks for the replies!!

brooklyn johnny

Active Member
There are a few tangs rare in the industry that don't demand a fat wallet... one of them that I have is my bristletooth tomini tang pictured here. He keeps this color throughout adulthood... the closely related chevron will change color when older to and almost black background but still with nice patterning.
Black tangs are in the Zebrasoma genus and therfore would be fine in your 100 gallon. I love and recommend this guy too. I can get them locally for $125, but are usually more in the $200 to $300 range... pricey but not as bad as some others...
If you have some bank to drop and want a truly rare tang shoot for the gem tang at around $1000 (another Zebrasoma... very rare out of Africa) or the white aberrant of the Hawaiian yellow tang at around $500
I'd stay away from the Sohal in any size tank... look at 64Ivy's 500 gallon (former -- TOTM) where he has a huge sohal named Attila that commands every inch of his 500 gallon...


Active Member

Originally posted by avbryce1
Golfish: I was leaning toward the chevron and after that pic its hard not to get one do they stay that vibrant with age?
thanks for the pic

No, after time they will turn a dark dark blue, well balck, with thin whitish lines..


Active Member

Originally posted by Brooklyn Johnny
Here's a nice Zebrasoma expensivus...:D

Mimic tangs are also interesting. They mimic either a Lemonpeel Angel or an Eibli Angel when young, then morph into adult colors after a year or so.


if you want a very cool tang thats not expensive. try looking at the kole, yellow eye tang. alot of personality and very pretty. let us know what you decide to go with.