Stocking ? for a 210g fowlr


Active Member
well i have no idea what i would put in a 210 because right now a have a 40 so...
any advice
could i have a shark maybe?
a ray?
i have not purchased the tank but i saw one i could get the actual tank and filters and stuff for $800
i would build my own stand
is that a good price for a 210?
thanks guys, its appreciated


Active Member
for just the the tank and filters? I guess its a good price. You could have a shark or a ray. It depends on the dimension


If it is a long tank, go with the shark. The ray will need a wide tank. Don't get either if it is a tall tank. To tell you the truth, I think that might be a bit expensive. I got my 240 gal on that auction site brand new for $400. The stand $450, canopy $300. I had to stain the wood myself, but it is a beauty.


Active Member

Originally Posted by cougar
If it is a long tank, go with the shark. The ray will need a wide tank. Don't get either if it is a tall tank. To tell you the truth, I think that might be a bit expensive. I got my 240 gal on that auction site brand new for $400. The stand $450, canopy $300
. I had to stain the wood myself, but it is a beauty.
what is that site?