Stocking Help for an 105 Gall. Tank

Hello,I have a 105 gallon tank with 100 pounds of live rock and around the same of live sand.I'm in the 3 rd week of the cycle proccess.Need some help on stocking.The 2 that i want for sure are a Snowflake eel and a Lion( rad. or voli.) not sure which yet.How about the clean up crew ? Thanks in advance for the replys

Would a trigger be easier to do instead of a Lionfish and will it get along O.K with the Maroon Clown ?


IMO, the trigger would be better than the lion, but you can't have both of them together, which trigger are you thinking of??? The maroon clown should get along fine with the trigger or the lion.

Maybe a Niger Trigger since i could have a couple of them and i think they would get along better with the Lion.

Originally Posted by maroonytun
The trigger will eventually nip at the lion.
Even if it's a Niger Trigger ?

Do most Triggers get along as long as they are close to the same size ( Humu Humu Niger Queen and a Bursa) i might do these instead of a Lion and the others would be a Snoflake eel , Maroon Clownfish , Hippo Tang would these work ?


Active Member
I would do a lion (not a volitan), SFE, maroon, and the tang. I would not do any kind of trigger with a lion though, even if it is a niger trigger. You may have trouble with aggressive between the trigger and tang, whereas you would not with a lion and tang. Plus, I think lions have more personality and are nicer than most of the triggers you could do in that size tank.
Also, if you don't mind me asking, where did you get a 105 gallon? Is it a custom-built tank? What are the dimensions of that?


Active Member
Originally Posted by
It is an Oceanic with matching base and top dimensions are 48" L X 18" W X 28 " Tall
Very cool, thanks!
Personally, one of my favorite fish is a fuzzy dwarf lionfish. You won't get a nicer looking lionfish than this, and it is extremely friendly. It will get along with the other fish very well, plus it won't place a high bioload on your tank, which will allow you to get another fish to the list.

Nice Pic. man this is getting hard deciding what fish to put together I wanted a lion fish but i really like the Triggers too
so many decisions :help:


Active Member
That's the problem my boyfriend really would like a big tank with aggressive fish and his favorite are Niger Trigger and Volitan lion. Told him he better make up his mind...I don't want anyone getting eaten.


I wouldn't try doing the hippo tang, because imo, tangs need at least 6 feet of swimming room, many other members also agree on this.

Originally Posted by maroonytun
I wouldn't try doing the hippo tang, because imo, tangs need at least 6 feet of swimming room, many other members also agree on this.
Well how about a puffer and a grouper kinda like the Porcupine Puffer.What Grouper would do well ?


Active Member

Originally Posted by maroonytun
I wouldn't try doing the hippo tang, because imo, tangs need at least 6 feet of swimming room, many other members also agree on this.
Well I am not sure I would throw hippo tangs into that catergory of needing a huge tank. They aren't like powder blues, powder browns, nasos, clowns, unicorns, and sohals that get huge and extremely active. Here is NM_Reef's (a moderator here) BEAUTIFUL hippo tang in his 100
gallon tank.
Most groupers and puffers will need much larger tanks. I still like your original list.

O.K this is the list so far
Snowflake EEL
Maroon Clown ( gold stripe )
Rad. Lion
Blue Hippo ? What others would go with these need a coulple more i would think for a 105 gallon tank.