Stocking ideas - Hardiness and personality

fish fry

Hey guys,
I'm in the process of setting up a new tank. I'm undecided if I want to to do community or aggressive.
Any suggestion for agressive fish that would do well in either the 70 gallon range or in the 110 gallon range. I'm looking for something easy to keep, with tons of personality.
Tank will have LR,DSB, skimmer etc.
All suggestions would be greatly appreciated.
Fish Fry


OK, the fish you are looking for are triggerfish. They are extremely hardy, and have the best personality (besides there aggressiveness). They are just like dogs, they bark(well they don't bark but they make grunt like sounds), when you walk in the room, not once do my triggers not come up to me and say hi, or im hungry. These fish are funny. If I were you i'd go with a triggerfish (male blue jaw, huma huma, assasi, bursa, niger, pink tail) All of these triggers I stated stay small (around 10 in.) and are nice besides burs triggerfish, and huma huma, niger(these two fish can be nice or mean ones, you get one or the other). You can get an eel (snowflake would do great, they get around 30 in.), a lionfish would do good (radiata, antennata, dwarf, no volitans, they need a 125 gallon or larger). These three fish will be good for a tank 75-90. You can have those fish I stated, and these for larger size tank (100-115). A harlequin tusk, get an australian, these are more money, but worth it. They are more hardy, and more beautiful. Anything else you want to know just ask.

fish fry

Hey Topfish,
Yeah I'm leaning towards a Huma Huma, but I was afraid it might not be enough room in the 75-90 gallon range. Is it enough room?
Do Lion fish have a cool personality? Fun to watch, interesting?


Yes, a huma huma triggerfish will do excellent in your tank.These triggers get around 10 in. and I would say they need at least a 75 gallon or larger tank. Lionfish are pretty cool, fish to have but are a little boring. Well besides feeding time. Usually they just sit around all day, and swim around now and then, but when they see food, they go hyper.


I love my lionfish!! I think they are very majestic looking, and they go well with triggers. One issue I would like to bring up, is that once these fish are settled in your tank, they become very territorial, and adding a fish then becomes a real problem. I have a 100G with a clown trigger, a huma huma trigger and a dwarf lion; and only after removing the clown for two days (in the sick tank) could I add another fish (a large sunset wrasse). Even the lion is territorial, chasing the huma huma from his spot. I will say this too, these fish are very hardy, I have heard you can take them out of the tank, stomp on them, and then put them back in the tank, and they will be fine! :)