Stocking Ideas?


So I started a 55g SW tank at the beginning of this week and it is currently cycling. I figured it might be time to start considering stocking options. I know im going to have corals down the road so I want to keep it coral safe, im also coming from the FW world and recently had an african tank. Needless to say im done with an aggressive tank so im looking for things that will get along.
There are 2 clownfish that have been together for over 2 months at the LFS if they are still there when im ready I am thinking of getting them (any issues with this). I also like jawfish for their personalities (whats the difference between the jawfish and goby?) Other then that I have no idea, somebody want to compile a couple lists for me and or give me ideas. I like personality and cool colors.


2 clowns are fine...Jawfish are great, but will jump, so you have to be sure you have a good lid.
Red Spotted Sandperch are neat....and talk about personality....I love mine
I also like the little yellow clown gobies
firefish....there are so many good fish..LOL


Active Member
here are a few that would work
first list
2 clowns
pair ob banggii
royal gramma
second list
2 clowns
reef safe wrasse
clown gobie
Meowser is right there are a lot to choose from


Originally Posted by SWFein
What does a goby do different then a jawfish? Or why are they different?
Good question...LOL...Even though there are alo tof different fish in the "Goby" family... they are each different in their own way
My suggestion is to look at the list of gobies, and read their descriptions

crypt keeper

Active Member
If you choose a goby that digs and lives in a burrow do not get a jaw fish as well. The bigger more aggressive goby will cause issues with him. IMO if you get a jawfish you more than likely never really see it unless he decides on a burrow directly in front of the tank.
If you do some homework you could get a jawfish pair. They would be great together.
Clowns are awesome fish. Are they captive bred?
Jawfish Pair.
Bi Color Blenny
Flame angel
Fairy Wrasse.
Call it a tank.


What would I need to know regarding a pair of jawfish?
Hippo Tang - too big?
Finally what sort of clean up crew am I looking at?

crypt keeper

Active Member
Just make sure they are a M/F pair. They are tough to find but can be.
Also jawfish dig. You need to make sure your rock is stable. Push it down further in the sand. Its only been a week. You wont bother anything. You run the risk of unstable rock falling over. Cracking your tank or killing a fish.
As far as cuc. 10 hermits. 10 snails. 3 larger turbos and some nass snails.


Ya when I setup the rock I put rock in first then put sand around the rock so the rock is touching the bottom of the tank. Though I plan on putting maybe 10 more lbs of rock in there so I will be sure to make things secure.


I am very thankful that when we set up the 29g we placed the rock on the jawfish has sand tunnels throughout the whole tank

crypt keeper

Active Member
nope. I have 3 peppermint shrimp in my 75. They like to be kept in groups. Great little guys. Cleaner shrimp are awesome as well.


Thanks this is really helping me compile some sort of list. I figure having a compatible list and a set of goals is going to be much better then what I did with FW which was impulse buys of various cichlids.

crypt keeper

Active Member
make sure you have a a 20 gallon QT set up. This will save you money heart ache and more money. Place all fish in this tank for at least 3-6 weeks


Originally Posted by crypt keeper
make sure you have a a 20 gallon QT set up. This will save you money heart ache and more money. Place all fish in this tank for at least 3-6 weeks
How would you recommend setting this up? Water etc?


Active Member
I think in a 55 gallon you have a ton of options. If you like gobies, some sandsifting ones would keep the top layer of sand nice and clean but be careful about low lying corals because they can bury them flinging sand everywhere. I really love clown gobies. I have two. Awesome personalities but will turn SPS corals into lunch so be aware if you get some.
You may want to look up blennies as well....They have some nice personalities.....they are useful as well as cute...a lot of them eat algae and leftover food. I personally like the lawnmower blennies and midas blennies.
Your clean up crew should be the first thing you start compiling though.
Several types of snails, a fighting conch or two, a couple emerald crabs, and a couple hermit crabs would be a good start. Add them slowly so that they do not run out of food and then as you need them, build them up. Some snails to look at would be mexican turbos, astreas, ceriths, and nassarius. Peppermint, cleaner and fire shrimp are also good choices. Crabs can be more aggressive so be limited on the hermits. They will kill the snails for their shells. They are still a good addition though.

crypt keeper

Active Member
Originally Posted by SWFein
How would you recommend setting this up? Water etc?
its has to cycle just like your regular tank. Very basic tank. Few pieces of live rock. Some PVC for the fish to hide in. Regular old canister filter like a bio wheel. A heater and power head. No sand. You could take a piece or two of your rock and water out of your tank running now to speed up the process.
This was mine when I first started. I added some PVC and more rock. This helps your fish get acclimated and gets them eating in a less aggressive setting. You are looking for disease in this tank then treating them in it if they occur. This way they wont take out your entire tank that you have spent your money and on and kill or make your established fish sick. You will lose fish in this hobby. It happens. You dont want to kill your happy healthy fish as well.


Cool, ya I will set one up in the near future, right now the money is going towards the display tank though.