Stocking List for Agg. 75 gallon


I need some help as my tank is near ready to start adding fish and I want to add the rights ones, in the right order....
Heres what I'm thinking (in order from first to buy, etc.):
3-4 chromis
Blue Tang
6 line wrasse
sand sifter goby of some kind....
Saddle Valentini Puffer
Huma Huma Trigger
Not familar with some of these fish and this is just a first rought draft... Please advice.


Active Member
Pretty good list...You may hear some comments that a 75 is a bit small for Blue Tang and a Huma Trig though, and any Trigger and Tang for that matter...I like Diamond Goby.


Meh I figure if your going to put a trigger in there why not the slowest growing one... So the huma, if you must have a trigger is your best bet.
The tang... Man, blue tangs are beautiful yet they need swimming room, they get big. May I suggest a smaller tang such as a kole tang or even a yellow?
I would also suggest putting the tang in right before the huma, in smaller tanks they establish their spot and defend it like a madman.
And the goby before the sixline.
some yellow tang
bannana wrasse
flame angel
lemon peel angel
clown tang
powder blue or brown tang
purple tang
falco hawk
racoon butterfly
Im not saying all these can go in your 75 or get along with the triiger (godies) but there some ggod choces


Active Member
Originally Posted by Grouperlover
some yellow tang
bannana wrasse
flame angel
lemon peel angel
clown tang
powder blue or brown tang
purple tang
falco hawk
racoon butterfly
Im not saying all these can go in your 75 or get along with the triiger (godies) but there some ggod choces
Some good ideas there...Like the Clown (I would say Maroon), and one of the 2 dwarf angels. Like the Hawk fish too. Would have to disagree on the Banana Wrasse and Powder Blue though, tank is too small.


yea my tank is too small for the blue powder tang.... i question if I should even try and keep the blue hippo tang in there.... I love the lemonpeel angel, might too that instead. I already have some clowns in my 30 gallon so looking for something different in this tank...
thanks for the ideas, keep them coming


the fish i am going to put in my 75gallon sps dominated but with some softies is going to be
pair of flame angels
1 purple tang
5 lyretial anthias
6 line wrasse
pair of onyx clowns