stocking list


Active Member
so far in our 55 gal we have:
2 clarkii clowns
1 domino damsel
1 yellow tail damsel
1 mandarin
2 hermit crabs
1 peppermint shrimp
will have 40#lr
want to get
1 pj cardinal
1 firefish goby
1 scissortail goby
1 royal gramma
does this sound like a good list or is it too many fish to have??
also any suggestions welcome, this isn't a final list, just an idea:)

sinner's girl

I'd say it's sounds like too many fish to me, but then I only have two fish my 55gl.
btw, is it 55 long or tall?(long had more swimming room for fish)
I may be wrong but I think the gobies will eat the pods that the mandarin needs. How much lr do you have now? You say will have 40lb? is the mandarin getting enough pods to eat? I think you'll need more than 40lbs
suggestion, whatever you do, make sure you add fish slowly over time, giving the tank time to adjust. you may have to increase your clean-up crew as you add more fish.
oh and be sure to add fish in the right order. but I don't know the best order for the fish you're asking about.
good luck.


Active Member
we dont have enough lr for the mandarin right now, and we know 40 isnt enough either, so were going to give him to a LRS around here that we go to all the time, there really nice and have tons of lr and HUGE tanks for him to rome around in, dont want him dieing. and we plan on getting bigger clean up crew as more algie starts to grow, right now its under control (thank god) so we are building up the cleaners slowly.


BTW, I would have loved to get a manderin, but I have no pods:(
I have 70lbs of LR in my 50, and want to get another 20lbs or so. I have a Coral Beauty, and he is always picking at the rock.



Originally posted by wablondie98664
stocking list

Fishnet, plain black sheer with the black line down the back, white with matching garter.....wait, are we talking about the same stocking list!? :D


Active Member

Originally posted by tlk
Fishnet, plain black sheer with the black line down the back, white with matching garter :D

o.k we decideed we are going to get rid of the mandarin, aren't able to keep up with his feeding needs. so, we have decided we want to get the: pj cardinal, scissortail goby and the royal gramma over the next few months........this won't be over crowded will it?


I think for mandairns you need at least 75 gal to have them to thrive as far as your bio load I believe your ok even with your your fish you want there small be careful of the damsels. not really a damsel fan but I like green chromis there paceful!! more fish you add you need to increase your bio filtration helps to have skimmer as well! ;) BioReefer


IMO, you're pushing it. The larger the bio-load, the more work it will take to ensure optimal water quality. With a lighter load, you won't have to worry as much about slight overfeedings.
In my 90 I have 6 fish (Purple Tang, Pair of False Percs, neon goby and mated pair of mandarins (had to move from my 125 due to picking)
In the 125 I have 1 yellow tang, 1 hippo tang, 1 royal gramma, and a 6-line wrasse.
Those two are plumbed together as well as a 50g growout tank. Then there is a 50 gallon sump and a 30 gallon sump. (about 50 gallons worth in sump when at normal level)
Even with over 300 gallons, I'm pushing it (for my liking)
If you choose to stock as listed, I recommend a good skimmer (Euro-Reef's are great) and extremely managed feeding regiment.


Active Member
also we are going to be adding a clean up crew as we get the fish, so that will help, lr and ls also help with the bioload, so we will take it slow and see what happens as we go one at a time.