Stocking my 135


What do you guys think of these combos for my 135 gal tank?
1st combo
1 porcupine puffer, 2 SFE, Clown Trigger, Lionfish, Blue Angel
2nd combo
2 porcupine puffers, 1 SFE, Clown Trigger, Lionfish, Blue Angel
if there is any others that might be good offer them too.


Active Member
1st setup... Sounds fine although you may have problems with the trigger picking on fish, especially the fins of the lion.
2nd setup... I would get just one porky and get a wrasse instead. A harlequin tusk would go well.


Active Member
Yea, get a tusk. If yer already gonna be invert free with the trigger and puffer, might as well go with a tusk. those are great fish. I wouldnt go with a trigger though. They would kill the lion, and lions are just so much cooler than triggers.


Active Member
Clown triggers grow up to be mean, in my experience they'll just wake up one day and think "hey, i can kill everything in this tank" and proceed to kill half the tank it had previously been living with peacefully for a year. I watched that happen to my buddy's tank, and it was interesting how bipolar his clown became.


Yeah i think I might drop the trigger. Can you have more than 1 puffer like a dog and a porky?
I might do a porky, dog, lionfish, SFE, and a grouper will that work in this tank?


i had a porky and a golden puffer. they worked out great. the golden was older and bigger and he taught the porky a few things. like spiting water at me when it was feeding time and had the tops open and was getting the food ready. also when i was done they would spit at me to close the tops. absolutly amazing fish. you could consider a niger trigger. they are pretty and calm. from my experience.


I dont really know bout triggers cause the 1 I use to have killed my angel and my lionfish and it was the last thing I added alsoit was a Humahuma which was supose to be peaceful.


Active Member
Y dont u ditch the goruper and get a Harlequin tusk or some other sort of wrasses? Groupers are pooping machines, plus they grow VERY bg. Other than that, yer list sounds good to me. Puffers get along great, I think, as long as they dont look the same. So, yea, yer good.