stocking my 75


i have a 75 and im restocking heres my wish list what do you think?
3 clarkii clowns med
3 ocellaris clowns med
1 naso med
1 french angel sml:confused:


i was thinking of ordering these online could i just purchase them all at once to save me shipping charges? or 1 by 1.

aquarius 1

You might want to go with just a pair of false perculas and a pair of clarkiis because they usually do well in pairs, sometimes they mate too. I wouldn't want to be the odd fish in those situtuations.


Active Member
I would go with just a pair of whichever clown species you like better to alleviate any potential of species getting too territorial. The French and the Naso will both outgrow the 75gal tank. It's also a good idea to add the fish over the course of time to give the bacteria an opportunity to catch up to the bioload. Too many fish at once=mini/re-cycle. HTH


Active Member
I will agree about the clwons, and I have to disagree abotuthe naso,
Get a smaller species of tang, a yellow or koles or convict. But a naso would outgrow the tank for sure and sooner than one would think


i want to add like 6 perculas then. whould that be ok or should i just stay with 2? also ive kept a naso before and he was about 5 or 6 inches. he did fine im not planning on keeping these fish for there intire life. i offen traid with the lfs when they out grow my system. so size isnt my concern its fish copatability?
6 false percs
1 naso
1 french angel
1 koles (maybe)


personally i wouldnt buy a fish knowing thaat id have to give him back when he got too big. That sounds like a lot of inches too me because naso and french get huge and the koles tang get large plus 6 percs.