Stocking my tank questions


New Member
I have just set up a 150g tank with some lr and ls. I am running a refugum with UV and chiller. So far I have a few hermit crabs, 4 shrimps including a couple of cleaner shrimp. and 2 feather duster. I am ready to add fish and would like some suggestions for the fish that I want and the order I should get them at.
Attached is a list of fishes that I want to get .
2 Sebae clown, and anenome.
1 small to medium hippo blue tang (can do without)
1 small to medium size purple tang (can do without)
1 medium to large orange shoulder tang (must have)
1 medium to large blue face angel (must have)
1 small to med. queen angel
1 small to med. antenneta lion fish
1 small to medium butterfly
1 small to med. golden butterfly(can do without)
1 small to med. puffer fish
Is this too many fishes. or would it be OK? And in what order I should get them?


Active Member
Originally Posted by ninjaboy
I have just set up a 150g tank with some lr and ls. I am running a refugum with UV and chiller. So far I have a few hermit crabs, 4 shrimps including a couple of cleaner shrimp. and 2 feather duster. I am ready to add fish and would like some suggestions for the fish that I want and the order I should get them at.
Attached is a list of fishes that I want to get .
2 Sebae clown, and anenome.
1 small to medium hippo blue tang (can do without)
1 small to medium size purple tang (can do without)
1 medium to large orange shoulder tang (must have)
1 medium to large blue face angel (must have)
1 small to med. queen angel
1 small to med. antenneta lion fish
1 small to medium butterfly
1 small to med. golden butterfly(can do without)
1 small to med. puffer fish
Is this too many fishes. or would it be OK? And in what order I should get them?
Many of your selections are big fish, and a 150 gallon, while a nice sized tank, will become pretty small with a lot of large fish. If you must have the blue face, skip the Queen angel. Also skip the Golden BF. Touchy fish that will do best with smaller peaceful mates.
The clowns could be eaten by the lion, so I'd choose between the two. The puffer will also go after your inverts.
The clowns, orange shoulder, blue face, and a hardy butterfly would work. My concern is that some of these fish should only be introduced to a well established system (6 mos or better), and angels and butterflies really appreciate a lot of live rock. If you're open to suggestions, one of the fairy wrasses would be nice, and some small fish to round it out and add visual interest. Often times mixing community fish and predators doesn't work well so you need to be cautious.
Also, is this a 6 foot tank? If not, I'd nix the large angel and tang. There are a lot of considerations to keeping a tank like this and some of the fish are not for beginner hobbyists.


New Member
My tank is 5 ft long, and here is a picture of it with the rocks. I am planning to get the fishes small. but the blue face and queen angels are some of my favorate fish. And I think my clown will be OK, since I am getting some bigger clown and they are coming first.
One question. my nitrate seems to be a little high, should I just change some water?
And what would be the order to get the fishes?


Active Member
Either angel will outgrow a 5 foot tank. My blueface packed size on fairly fast and was a pushy fish. I would strongly advise against both of these fish. Having two large angels in a five foot tank is going to result in some aggression when they get a bit older. What exactly are your nitrates? Give a number. Angels are not toleratn of elevated nitrates and you could have trouble placing one of these fish in a tank with less than perfect water. Water changes alone often don't cut it. Sensible feeding, good skimming and some other form of nutrient export (macros, a fuge, etc) are sometimes needed. Again, angels need weel established tanks and putting one in a new set-up could result in it failing. Your comment about the clowns indicates you're still thinking about the lion. A lion will try to eat anything it can fit in it's mouth so don't be too sure the clowns will be fine. There is also the chance that your angel could pick on the lion. It's not uncommon for them to go after the long fins, and being a sedentary fish, a lion is not much of a match for a large angel.
Lots to consider. I'd encourage you to do a lot of research into each fish, including adult size and temperament.


New Member
thanks for your input. I have a ASM G3 skimmer, and my nitrate level is at 50. I will have a water change today. I think the high nitrate was from the not completely cycled rocks I bought from a LFS. He said it was ready. and I thought my calupa will absorb some nitrate. but I will do a water change today. And should I add the blue face last then?
If I get the lion fish. It won't be a volitan. so it won't get as big.
It is the angels and lion fish that got me back into saltwater.
So is the packing order butterfly 1st, then tangs, may be my lion, then angels?


Active Member
I wouldn't put a butterfly in a new tank. Like angels, a mature system will help them acclimate and increase your chance of success. They also need excellent water quality. Frankly, I wouldn't do any angel of butterfly until you have the trates in check. If anything, go with the lionfish first and allow it to get settled in. Probably the tang after a few weeks. You really need to add these fish slowly and allow ample time for each to get established. If you're getting clowns, buy them large. You'd be surprised what a lion will try to eat. Just a word of warning.
After the tank has matured a few months, you can try a butterfly. Go with something hardy; raccoon, auriga, blackback, kleins, etc..
Add the angel last, due to it's dominance. I'm leary of the set-up given tank size and mates chosen. Good luck.


New Member
thanks for the advice. I will put my new fish in my QT first for a while until the nitrate is down. and will follow your advice to stocking it slowly.
I guess I will wait a little while before I will add the rest of the fishes.