Stocking my tank!


New Member
Hi, I've got a 46 gal. Bowfront. Right now it has 40 pounds of sand and 52 pounds of live rock. The cycle is over and I'm ready to add fish. I want 2 perc./ocell. clowns and some kind of blue fish. I want all reef safe so I can upgrade to a reef later. What other fish/inverts. can I add.


you really dont want clowns, all they do is bob around and eat. a blue fish should be a goby, angel, or tang maybe, and a cool invert could be a rainbow urchin. although clumsy, they look awesome.


what about this guy .. he's kinda territorial in my 10 but not very bad... a yellow tailed blue damsel... i'm pretty sure


Active Member
Research the adult color of damsels. Lots of them change color, not sure about that particular one.


he/she did when i first got it... it would hide and turn black... then as it went into the light and became a lil bit more come turned this blue .. it was cool to watch :eek:


NO DAMSELS! my bro had the exaact one, it was awful. too agressive, bit him all the time, and wa a bit more than a bit territorial.


Active Member
There's nothing wrong with clowns. I think they're pretty entertaining to watch myself :). How about a Blue Reef Chromis?
For inverts, I would recommend adding a Cleaner Shrimp. They'll clean your fish, your tank, and even your hand. Plus they're fun to watch. :D


New Member
Ok, so 2 clowns, a goby, a chromis/damsel, and 2 cleaning shrimp. How about a couple hermits and a royal gramma too.


Active Member
I love the fish in my tank but my ocellaris clown is pretty aggressive. I have a Coral beauty that hasn't bothered any corals, yellowtail damsel that every once in a while decides to make craters in my sand, and a flasher wrasse that is moving non stop.


Active Member
Sounds good to me, P-Tree =). But I also must disagree with the damsel--it'll tear your other fish apart. They're a rather mean-spirited fish, even though they do look pretty. Just make sure to wait a few weeks inbetween adding fish. You could have many more crabs than two if you'd like. A lot of people also like to put snails in their tanks. :D


Active Member
A lot of people also like to put snails in their tanks.
Yeah, snails, and lots of them generally. I have 15 in my 29.