stocking nba players tank..Ideas?


Any Ideas for stocking a 400 gal. tank. I'm not sure exactally but I estimate It's about 400 gallons built in the wall custom tank. All he has is about 20 damsels. It's fish only of coarse so I'm thinking some coral beautys, picaso trigger. yellow tang...skys the limit, I just want to add a variation of color.. any ideas?


Active Member
I would suggest some nice fish that get big like grouper, lionfish, dogface puffer, niger trigger or bluthroat..just go aggressive. No coral beauty or tangs. The grouper could make short work of the damsels, so you might consider removing them. I would think an NBA player would like big bold fish. maybe you could show him some pics online, and teach him something about their personalities and get an idea what he might like. I think putting tangs into tanks where people are'nt going to insure their diet is proper is a mistake..actually that goes for any fish. Who will care for the fish? If an experienced aquarist will care for the tank, and since this guy probably has the might be nice to turn it into a butterfly and fairy wrasse tank and just go the other direction with it.[pretty fish} Or...even some nice big angels like an emporer or a queen.


Active Member
Originally Posted by promisetbg
and get an idea what he might like.
I dont know the circumstances but this makes alot of sence to me.


I would say they would want sonething that will get the "WOW" from people, or a shock factor...big bright angel, a lion fish for the shock/wow and some really colorful triggers and tangs, any maybe an odd butterfly or two. see if he likes eels too, that's a show stopper! and a puffer, gotta have a puffer!


Active Member
Yeah, I would look into doing nice and showy fish like volitan lions, large puffers, schools of tangs (maybe yellows for something bright), maybe a large colorful, active wrasse like a lunare, and then a large beautiful angel like a queen or passer.
I used to help 76ers player Aaron McKie with his tank and he always liked big sized fish to impress his guests.