stocking options


New Member
hello, i am looking at buying a 125,150,180, or 210 gallon tank. I would want to make it FOWLR.
I am wondering what kind of fish i could have in it.
i know i want the following:
yellow tang
naso tang
Large angel (not sure what kind)
Thank you in advance.
PS. any other info or pics about setting up this size tank would be greatly appreciated


Active Member
I would say with those 3 fish, a 180 at least would be a good choice, Naso's are big Tangs and depending on what sort of Angel you decide, big angels need big tanks. The list of fish that can go with the 3 fish you selected is long....Triggers (avoid the "bad boy" Triggers), puffers, Wrasses, Eels, big Clown fish, so on and so forth. Just hang out here and ask lots of questions....BTW I have a thread started for my 240, my fish list will be similar to what I listed.