Stocking order for new reef


Hi Everyone,
I'm jumping back in the hobby after a 3 year hiatus. I had a 125g FOWLR for about 5 years. It did well and I'm taking all my learnings from before in designing my new system. This time I will have 150g tall, MH/CFL lighting, 30g fuge, 50 sump for water changes, UV sterilizer, skimmer, media reactor. I'm building it in the wall and the back is in a large unfinished area of the basement so i have a lot of workspace.
Anyway I'm probably a month out before i even start putting water, LR, LS in to start the cycling process. Until then I'm thinking about the inhabitants and the order to add them. My goal is to have ZERO casualties (I know...that's all of ours.
I will do VERY slow additions following the hyposalinity quarrantine regime. I will have a 20g hospital tank set up for that, so i figure a new addition to the main tank every 4-5 weeks. So here is my plan list. I don't think I will have any compatibility issues but would appreciate comments on that and also the proposed ordering of addition. Keep in mind that the groups with multiples will also be in quarrantine together also. I will go with smaller/juvenile fish so we can watch them grow up:
1. 3 blue reef chromis (or blue-green chromis)
2. 1 Diamond Watchman Goby
3. 1 Yellow Tang
4. 1 Red Pixy Hawkfish
5. 1 Flame Angel
6. 3 Blue Hippa Tangs (is this plus the yellow too much? should i go with just 1?)
7. paired clowns + carpet anemone (I know the anemone doesn't get quarrantined)
8. corals (will be planned out later)
9. 1 Mandarin Dragonet
I'll also phase in a full cleanup crew, including a cleaner shrimp. What are recommendations for phasing in the cleanup crew? Obviously i don't want to overstock with too large a cleanup crew and not enough to clean up.


I think most will agree that 3 blue hippos is way too much for a 150. I'm not even sure if you can house blue hippos in the same tank. I would just stick to 1 and supplement the other 2 fish with something else if you want more fish to the list. The rest looks fine. Just make sure you have an abundance of pods for the mandarin to feed on.


The things about the choice of tangs is that you are going with a 150 tall. Tangs are open water swimmers and a tall tank doesn't provide much room for swimming.
I would recommend other choices and have a "slice" of the reef with lots of busy action of the smaller fish.
You could possibly get by with a yellow but I feel the hippos would be out.
While they could "survive" they would stress and be prone to ich and illness.


Active Member
also carpet anemones are know to eat fish.a while back someone here posted a pic of his carpet eating a 4 or 5 inch foxface.
how long is a 150 tall? i had a 150 and it was 6 foot long?
i had 5 tangs in there .hippos will get along together .
plus i know its cool to have a clown host an anemone but they move around the tank alot and if you plan on corals you will probably have some problems.personally i dont think anemones are worth the risk to a tank.years ago i had one get caught in a ph and nuked the tank.i lost half my fish from it.


gcgrad, smartori, deejeff442 - thank you for the input; I appreciate it! I'll definitely reconsider the hippo and the anemone plan.
The tank dimensions are 48 x 24 x 30 tall.