Stocking order

kart racer

I am setting up my new 125 hopefully this week end. Is the best way to cycle it with a dead shrimp or any another suggestion? I have about made up my mind for inhabitants but would like some input on the order to add them. A clown trigger, puffer (dogface or stars and stripes not sure yet), queen angel and possibly an eel. What would be the best order to add them to the tank? Will be 125 with a 40 long for a sump.
Thanks for the input.


You can do any order with the eel and puffer but just make the trigger the last addition.I also have a 125 with an 8" Lion, 5" Emperor angel ,18" SFE, 7"Naso Tang and a 4" Clown Trigger.They have been together for 6 years and adding the trigger last made it possible.Good luck .