stocking our 75


stocking the new tank, and trying to post pics for the first time :notsure: :jumping: :happyfish


48 inch HQI Metal Halide fixture with compact fluorescents and lunars holding:
2 150 watt 10,000K MH
2 96 watt Actinic fl lamps, and
3 1 watt lunars
In the 200 I have a little more juice:
3 250 watt MH
2 36 inch fluorescent kits with 96 watt Actinic fl and 96 watt 10,00K daylight each, and
1 watt lunars.:happy:
That was gettin a bit warm, and just got fans installed today. Obviously couldn't run the MH's much because of the heat.
These tangs aren't a reflection... just swim together.:happyfish :happyfish


Thanks. Just learning, you folks know more about this than I.
This is from the 200, which is about 1 mth behind stocking the 75. This is a better pic with the 3 halides, and UV on. The clown must have seen the movie.. she is even layng down..
:jumping: :jumping:

I was told the moonlites can be kept on all night.


The wild maroon clown brought a popcorn shrimp (i fed the tank) to her host, left it there, and didn't even try to eat it. Both are happy. Is that normal? I thought it was amazing.:eek:



Originally posted by salty chee
Could be mating behavior. I'm not really sure.

I agree with salty. :D :D

salty chee


Originally posted by salty chee
Could be mating behavior. I'm not really sure.

I looked it up, AND IT IS MATING BEHAVIOR! MAN YOUR LUCKY! The book says after a couple weeks, the female will get larger and a week or two after that, YOUR GOING TO BE A FISH FATHER! Id have the sick bay tank ready real soon if i were you! :D


Well, i will let you know. What would one do with a bunch of clowns though?:notsure:
Of course it would be fun to watch :)