Stocking problems...


In my 90 gal reef-in-progress, I have a royal gramma and a mandarin. Its been set up for almost two months.
Yes, blahblah blah...mandarins, pods. blah. I know, but this guy LOVES prepared foods..Ive seen him picking at my 140#+ LR for the past couple days [got him 2 days ago], but he does love BS, shrimp pellets, etc...
Its all going good...lots of caulp growth, a few small corals in there for now [gsp, colt, unknown leather ;) ]
But, about my stocking. Over the next few months, I plan on a PB tang, flame, coral beauty, and another fish [probably a LN butterfly...]
all of these fish are sensitive. :|
PB tang last, of course. The angels are, IMO, the next most hardiest... I would probably add flame, then the cb... Or the butterfly first? I dont want to rush into putting in the flame first [which is going to go in before the cb] because I know they are quite sensitive, and because of the $price$....
any ideas as to what I should try?
Next-unknown... [ln butterfly?]
then-flame angel
then-coral beauty
then-powder blue...
Drew :)


The stocking seems ok except for the two pygmy angels. I dont believe the coral beauty and flame angel will work. ONe or the other. Dont think a 90 gal is big enough. It might be worth a shot but from my research its a stocking no no.


yup...I know and ill be prepared to move the cb...
dwarf angels *generally* dont get along, but a good portion of them have good is a risk, but I know they may work...there is no real way to tell...
the flame will stay no matter what, tho...
Drew :)