stocking questions


Due an unfortunate accident, my sea apple got stressed and poisoned my tank, killing all my fish and shrimp. Now I will be restocking my tank, and want to get it right this time. Please give comments on the list.
Tank is this. 90 gallon long (72X12X24tall). 10 gallon sump. 15 gallon fuge (cheato). 400Watts of VHO/NO flouresent lighting. 6 powerheads in the tank. Southdown sand bed 3-4 inches. About 150 Lbs of LR
My spelling is bad so please overlook that
Pulsing Xenia
various zoos
Feather Dusters
mated pair of coral banded shrimp
Horseshoe crab
Serpant star
Orange star
3 clowns
Green mandarin
Blue Hippo Tang
That is the list of the must haves. Now for the list of the would like to have.
Really want a Sohol Tang. If not, then a Naso.
Horniochus Butterfly
Maybe copperband butterfly
colt coral
Clam of some kind, probably blue, but not sure if I have enough lights.
Over thoughts are
Arrow Carb
cleaner shrimp
fire shrimp
clown goby
What are your thoughts?


Active Member
IMO, the corals listed at the beginning seem ok. The inverts, stay with the crabs and snails and do a search on the others--I wouldn't until you learn more about them. Your fish selection, please rethink it. I believe clams need better lighting. For the "over thoughts" section, arrow crabs are something you need to look further into and make your own decision, the rest look good. HTH, I think you may need to tweek your selections more towards a 90 gall. and reef (sandbed) friendly aquarium. Glad you asked before buying! Great first step in rebuilding your tank.


When the sea apple poisoned your tank, did a lot of the stuff on your live rock die? (I don't know anything about sea apples or what they can do, lol.) If you had a lot of die-off as a result, definitely hold off on the mandarin until you have enough copepods and such for it to thrive on.
I've never kept one, but I've read/heard many, many times that arrow crabs are not reef safe. I'm not sure exactly what kind of damage they cause, but I'm sure you don't want to be one to find out firsthand, hah.
A lot of butterflies are also not considered reef safe, because they pick on polyps and such. It might be hit-or-miss with them though, like with dwarf angels in reefs. (I have a coral beauty that I've never had a problem with, but some people aren't so lucky.)
IMO, the cleaner shrimp is definitely a good idea. They don't spread parasites as cleaner fish can, and they have a lot of personality and just look cool.
Good call on asking for opinions before restocking. :cheer: Just make sure you don't add everything all at once! :D



Originally posted by motohead
arrow crabs=fish got three of mine cost about 200 bux.

Agree, avoid the arrow crab. They can catch a healthy, fast swimming fish with their even faster moving claws.
Butterflies and feather dusters don't go along too well. The feather dusters would just be food for the butterflies.


The arrow crab is out then.
I don't have enough copods to support a mandarin right now, but I will get that population back up before I get him.
Looking at fish selection. Clowns and Hippo are a must. Will a Sohol be able to get along with a hippo in a 90? I have seen these in the same tank many times, but they might have been slightly larger tanks.
I have a coral beauty angel before and had trouble keeping zoos. I didn't understand why. The zoos I have now, seem to be doing very well. Maybe the angel was picking at them when I wasn't looking.
We just saw a princess parrot and it was a very pretty fish. Anyone know anything about them?
If a hornichus butterfly is going to eat zoos, then I don't want one.
The fire shrimp made it through the ordeal. It was not in with the sea apple.
I would like a purple fish also. Any suggestions?
Are there other things that grow tall, like a colt coral or frogspawn?


I would really appreciate some more opinions on this. Especially the sohol and hippo together question.


Active Member
One of the local reefers near me keeps a Sohol and a Hippo in a 5'x2'x'2 150g reef. The Sohol was added last but showed an extreme amount of aggression towards the Hippo. He eventually removed the Sohol for awhile and allowed the Hippo to get a feel for the territory. The Sohol was still aggressive when he returned it to the tank, so the process had to be repeated a few times. There is still some aggression shown on the part of the Sohol towards the Hippo.


Purple fish = orchid dottyback (firmandi's pseudochromis)
IMO, they're the bestttt purple fish. :D Purple pseudos are cool as well, but the firmandi's are cooler haha.
As for corals that grow tall...I've never seen a tall frogspawn and I've never seen a tall colt coral, either. Pulsing xenias, tree leathers, and toadstool leathers grow pretty tall, though.


I looked at the orchid dottyback and that might be the answer. Thanks,
As for the corals, maybe tall isn't the right word. Maybe big would be better. Looking for things that grow more than say 2 inches off the rock. Mushrooms cling to the rock. Colt corrals get at least several inched tall and I think can get 6 or more inches tall. I think frogspawn get big. Maybe that's more what I'm trying to say. Toadstool is a definite in the near future. I have some pulsing xenia and it is doing well.
I'm thinking the sohol is not going to work. I'm now looking at an Achilles Tang to go with the hippo. Would that be a better choice? Could I put a Naso in with those two?


Try a branching hammer or a bubble wall. Those may not get tall, but they can spread and take up room.


Active Member
Search these forums for info on horseshoe crabs, they are reef wreckers... they get BIG.


The ones here at SWF they say stay small. Is that not true? I know the ones in public aquariums get really big. I'm not looking for one of those. I was looking at the ones offered here.
I am thinking about a hammer, if my lighting will support it.


Active Member
If you read the description it doesn't say they STAY small. They ship them to you as a 1"-2" specimen. I'd wager they'll grow a lot if you can keep them healthy, which I have heard to be easy or really hard depending on who you listen to.