Stocking Questions.


I have a 55 Gallon that has been up for 6 months the parameters are and have been fine fine for several months now. I also have around 90lbs of LR give or take with a 2 1/2 inch sand bed.
I had a run in with ick and to my ignorance had no real hospital tank nor did I have a QT to start. I now have that aspect taken care of. At any rate to spare the life of the fish I returned them to the the fish store where the fish could be properly treated.
I'm not going to add anything to the main tank for 3 weeks and I will not start QT'n my first fish until the tank is cycled to correctly do so.
I've made a list of what I would like to have in this 55 Gallon and would like to opinion of those who have experiences with these pairings or if infact some of these fish are incompable with eachother.
I am also in the process of setting up a 135 gallon which can house any fish that may out grow my 55, but from my list it seems these should be ok.
Also I will be wanting to add corals - I am new to corals and will be adding in the easier to handle corals if that makes a difference with these fish.
ANGELS: 1 of the 3.
Concerns with these are I would like the Midnight due to the small size but understand it is probably the worst of the 3 to have in a reef tank. Bluefin being 2nd worse and larger in size with Keyhole being least aggressive to corals but largest in size.
Is this right? I choose these 3 Angels because of their darker markings.
CLOWNS: Would like a Mated Pair.
Black/White Percs
Red/Black (Cinnamon)
Would like to have 2 Cinnamons but read somewhere you can only really keep one, otherwise I would go with the Black/White Percs which would be ok because they grow smaller then the Cinnamons. My question is can I house 2 Cinnamons together?
Black Cap Basslet
Putting this fish in unless their will be large conflicts.
WRASSES: No real idea of which route to take......
Filamented Flasher Wrasse (Pair)
Five Bar Wrasse (Mystery Wrasse)
Cleaner Wrasse of some sort
I would want to either A. Put in a mated pair of Filamented Flashers or put in a Mystery Wrasse which I've read can be put with other species of Wrasses, I would then add a Cleaner Wrasse or if possible a Scotts Fairy. Not sure really how it will work with putting in 2 different types of wrasses..
Sixspot Sleeper
All 3 seems to do different things in the tank, I lean to the Sixspot for his active sifting but understand he takes from the point of a DSB eating the critters in it. If I went with Catalinas I would want to do 3 of them because of their small size but worried that they may get picked on by other fish like the Black Cap.
Fu Manchu
I've read on Agressive board some people keep Lions in reef tanks. This particular tank seems much to small to house even a Dwarf Lion and I like the unique bodystyle of the Fu Manchu. He would be a nice addition but more worried of him being destuctive then anything..
For the most part this is what I would like to put into this tank it would total at 7-8 fish depending really what I go with off that list. My question is from my list are there some definate don't do its on there? Aside from putting Clowns in first because of their hardiness is there a specific order for these fish inwhich I should add them?
Please any advice in combinations of experience would be very very much appreciated.
Thank you
The fu manchu lionfish and all lionfish in general will eat anything that will fit into their mouths. This one is supposed to be the least hardy or most difficult of the lionfish to successfully keep. Any lion is best if you wean it off of live food and feed it frozen foods.


Those Gobys only get 1 inch big so says a website.
The Fu Manchu it says runs to about 4 inch big. I would probably go with a Spotted Goby if I got the Fu Manchu and not the Catalinas.
Is the Fu Manchu a slow enough moving fish where a fish like the Black Cap or my smaller clowns if I went with the two Black/White Percs they could get away from him?
If this is gonna be a problem really then I wouldn't take the chance with it.

bang guy

Catalina Gobies are not tropical fish and will die fairly quickly (weeks) at normal reef temperatures.
Any Angel can be a problem in a reef tank. Have you considered the Coral Beauty?
The Lionfish WILL eat your smaller fish. It's just a matter of time.
Please skip the Cleaners Wrasse. The Flasher pair sound really nice buy I think (not sure) they will eat any inverts like cleaner shrimp.


Thanks Bang.
I'll knock the Catalinas off the list as well as the Lion.
The 3 angels I picked just because of their darkened color and that I do not seem to see alot of them around boards I troll. The colors of the stand are great and I want as much as I can get, but I also saw a very nice reef tank which had a Black Tang in it and the way he stood out just caught my eye so with the many darkened Angel fish I had selected those 3.
As far as Angels go. I understand in general they can all pick at some of the corals, my question is do some pick more then others? Or is somebody just rolling the dice as far as that entire class goes?
I'll look deeper into the mated pair of Wrasses. I was only thinking cleaner Wrasse because of my current issue of ick - Cleaner Shrimp probably yes, would serve that purpose better.
If I decided not to pair off 2 of the same Wrasse, would a 5 Bar (Mystery) and something like a Yellowstreaked Fairy Wrasse go well together or an Exquiste? I very much like the coloration in those Wrasses.
The clowns - Will 2 Cinnamons get together? I suppose people will say they can all get together, but are getting 2 Cinnamons together like getting 2 Sebae or Clarkii together or more along the lines of getting Maroons together?
Also do I need to worry about an order? I am thinking of adding in the order of the Clowns, Goby, Basslet, Wrasses, then add the Angel last. That make sense?
Thanks for all the help here - Been trying to do as much research I can the past week or so so I do this right this time around.