stocking suggestions for a 10g


New Member
hi all
i have just started up my 10g nano and i was wondering what fish i could have?
i would like 1 bottom dweller like a blenny or goby and 1 other fish.
any suggestions on which ones?


Active Member
1 or 2 of the following.
-Blue Neon Goby
-Clown Gobies
-Eviota Gobies
-Panda (Clown) Goby
-Redhead Goby
-Trimma Goby
-Yellow Neon Goby
-Citron Goby
-Green Banded Goby
-Green Chromis Damsel
-Yellowtail blue Damsel
-Ocellaris Clownfish (False Percula)
-Percula Clownfish (True Percula)
-Yellow Assessor
-Blue Assessor
-Chalk Bass
-Lantern Bass
-Bicolor Blenny
-Tailspot Blenny
-Yellowtail Fang Blenny
-Threadfin Cardinalfish
-Three Spot Damsel
-Talbot’s Damsel
-Three Stripe Damsel
-Firefish Goby
-Helfrich’s Firefish
-Purple Firefish Goby
-Bicolor Psuedochromis
-Diadem Pseudochromis
-Fridmani (Orchid) Pseudochromis
-Purple Pseudochromis
-Blackray Shrimp Goby
-Orange Stripe Goby
-Orangespotted Goby
-Randall’s Shrimp Goby
-Yasha Hasha Goby
-Wheeler’s Shrimp Goby
-Yellow Watchman Goby
-Rainfordi Goby
-Royal Gramma
-Falco Hawkfish
-Flame Hawkfish
-Pearly (Yellowhead) Jawfish
-Possum Wrasse


New Member
i was also wondering what corals i could keep in my tank?
i have 1 24w power compact and 2 8w T5's.