stocking with pods??


Hi - has anyone ever stocked their tank with pods that they bought? They sell them on this site. My tank is 6 weeks old, 29g with about 30lbs lr and 2"lsb. I can see I already have some pods crawling/swimming around. If I'd like to get a mandarin, could I add more pods to bump up my population? Would that throw things off? If I wait another few months, would my pod population support a mandarin if I supplement sometimes? Those fish are so amazin, I'd love to keep one. Any thoughts? Thanks.


Active Member
I agree with BeatlesFan. I would not keep a mandarin in a 29 gallon. Its just too small. They are an amazing fish though.


Active Member
I just wouldn't risk the well being of the dragonet in a 29g even with weekly pod supplementation.


I have 165lbs of LR and I was nervous about getting a Mandarin because I didn't see very many pods when the lights were out. I bought some live Tigger Pods in a bottle ($20.00) and some caulerpa from my lfs. That kick started my refugium enough that now I have enough fauna to sustain a mandarin. No offence, but IMO 30# isn't enough LR to keep a mandarin happy. Unless you buy live pods weekly to feed the little sucker. That's an expensive alternative. Some folks report frozen baby brine and frozen cyclopeze have worked, but not for mine. Only live bugs on the rocks.
Good luck,


Originally Posted by ahmoser
I was interested in doing the same thing, and I did some research, and this is what I plan to do. It is information on how to culture copepods and rotifers. I'll keep everyone updated as I should begin in about two weeks. I don't know if they will allow this info but here is a website. If not, email me at and give it to you
In case your wondering that was the sound of all our advice to mrsgoose going over ahmoser's head. A mandarin will never be happy in a 29g unless he is feed about 60-100 dollars of food each week. and even then they like alot of aquascaping to be happy and hind in. Also TomToro i think you would be fine wiht that much rock plus the jump start.


Originally Posted by ahmoser
I was interested in doing the same thing, and I did some research, and this is what I plan to do. It is information on how to culture copepods and rotifers. I'll keep everyone updated as I should begin in about two weeks. I don't know if they will allow this info but here is a website. If not, email me at and give it to you
also this is a competor sight or at least advertises for competor sights to Mods please take out the link.


sorry but i did not see. what size tank are you planning to do this in? crap if you say 90g or more i am going to feel lie an idiot. I thoguht you might be talking about 29g. Are you?


Originally Posted by Beatlesfan
In case your wondering that was the sound of all our advice to mrsgoose going over ahmoser's head. A mandarin will never be happy in a 29g unless he is feed about 60-100 dollars of food each week. and even then they like alot of aquascaping to be happy and hind in. Also TomToro i think you would be fine wiht that much rock plus the jump start.
Thanks Beatles, I'm hoping so. He's fattening up nice so far. I do wish he'd eat the baby bristleworms. I've always had too many of those.


Active Member
i've kept a scooter in my 29g for 9 months . . . with a mandarin. IF IF IF IF IF they eat frozen you've got a chance, and if you do everything with some research and planning. if not, you're screwed, nano dragonets should be left to experts. thank you. buh. oh, and the scooter is VERY healthy, plump and happy. mandarin, plump and happy as well, although only been in tanks for 1/3 as long as scooter. now, on your mark, get set... complain to me in packs!


Originally Posted by nYgel
i've kept a scooter in my 29g for 9 months . . . with a mandarin. IF IF IF IF IF they eat frozen you've got a chance, and if you do everything with some research and planning. if not, you're screwed, nano dragonets should be left to experts. thank you. buh. oh, and the scooter is VERY healthy, plump and happy. mandarin, plump and happy as well, although only been in tanks for 1/3 as long as scooter. now, on your mark, get set... complain to me in packs!
As long as he's plump and happy i see no problem. Although usually this is not the case. Almost 19 in 20 times ity isn't.


Active Member
thank you, most still give me crap for it when several people do it, but won't admit it. I just fed them and its one of the coolest things seeing them eat mysis shrimp. I got LUCKY getting TWO dragonets that eat frozen, if you plan on getting one don't relly on it eating frozen.


Note that just because he can do it does not mean you can .... repeat DOES NOT MEAN YOU CAN! Do not try it! Do not count on it working. Anyways good job nYgel


none of you guys answered his question about stocking with copepods. i have the same question. i have a 55 gallon tank, with plenty of LS and LR, and im not necessarily thinking of adding anything that needs them, but i might in the future. is it a good idea to add some to my tank to establish a pod population?


Originally Posted by dwendler4
none of you guys answered his question about stocking with copepods. i have the same question. i have a 55 gallon tank, with plenty of LS and LR, and im not necessarily thinking of adding anything that needs them, but i might in the future. is it a good idea to add some to my tank to establish a pod population?
I said that even with supplements you still won't be able to keep mandarins and scooters. so then there would not be alot of reason to. Otherwise then yes you can and it would help but still would not be enough to support a mandarin.


i might be looking to add a porcupine puffer in the next month or so, i read that they eat live shrimp. would copepods be a correct choice to add to my tank now to feed a puffer later? or am i going in the wrong direction to feed a puffer?
thanks for the advice