Stocking ?


I have 16 snails and 4 blue leg hermits as a clean up crew right now. I'm thinking of getting a cleaner shrimp along with a royal gramma today. Would this be ok with the bioload as I have 2 percs in there already. Also is it a better idea to hold off on the gramma and instead get some emerold crabs. Anyone have an opinion?


Active Member
It really all depends on how long you've had the tank up and running. I think that if you add that Royal Gramma you may not be able to add other fish down the road. Royal Grammas can be a bit aggressive, and with your tank it should be the last fish added. Also after adding the Gramma you'll be nearing your tank's capacity.


Well we really don't know enough to say one way or the other.... to many things come into play.... Filtration type... size of fish... types of fish....substrate... see what I mean