


Soon i will be purchasing a 125g tank and was wondering if the following fish were compatible with eachother and will do fine in a 125g tank.
1 porcipine puffer
1 volitan lion
2 groupers (coral trout and V-tail)
1 blue girdled angel
1 yellow tang
1 naso tang
s:happy: :happy:


sounds good to me but i have never heard of those types of groupers and if i were you i would only do one grouper cause they get soooo large. The angel might be your only concern with compatibility (sp?).


other names for the groupers are...
coral trout = miniatus grouper
V-tail grouper = red flag grouper


i dont think im gonna get the naso... what other fish would you suggest:thinking:


sorry but heres a new list...
1 porcipine puffer
1 volitan lion
1 miniatus grouper
1 yellow tang
1 queen angel

tony detroit

Active Member

Originally posted by royalshrimp
sorry but heres a new list...
1 porcipine puffer
1 volitan lion
1 miniatus grouper
1 yellow tang
1 queen angel

I'd nix the angel, the puffer or the lion are a wash one or the other. The miniatus grouper will get HUGE and I mean way too big for a 125, even a 300 gal makes a fullgrown miniatus look cramped.
I'd go for the Yellow tang, the puffer instead of the lion and maybe a koran angel. You will like the puffer way more than the lion. Lions are kinda boring if you ask me they just look cool, but don't really do much. I would get a grouper only if your lfs will take it back in two years. LFS' with maintenance company's can usually pull it off because they maintenance big tanks. A niger trigger would be a good addition to consider too.


my friend (not on the board) has a porcipine puffer and a lion mixed together and both are doing fine, exept for the occasional nip. so how about this... i will try the puffer and lion out in the beggining and see if they get along then i will get these..........
1 volitan lion
1 porcipine puffer
1 vtail grouper
1 yellow tang
1 (or 3 if possible) blue tangs :thinking: :thinking:

tony detroit

Active Member

Originally posted by royalshrimp
1 (or 3 if possible) blue tangs :thinking: :thinking:

Good luck keeping those ich free and eating
that tank is going to be waaay overstocked


how about...
1 porcipine puffer
1 volitan lion
1 yellow tang
1 bluue gidled angel
1 v-tail grouper or this grouper i saw in the store yesterday... it was called a spotted grouper... it was black with white spots:happy:

tony detroit

Active Member

Originally posted by royalshrimp
how about...
1 porcipine puffer
1 volitan lion
1 yellow tang
1 bluue gidled angel
1 v-tail grouper or this grouper i saw in the store yesterday... it was called a spotted grouper... it was black with white spots:happy:

You're still way overstocked IMO. You can do it, but you're gonna have to have a serious skimmer and filtration to keep quality water. That's a lot of fish for a 125. I wouldn't put that many in my 300. I'd skip the lion and go with the puffer IMO puffers are way cooler, lions are cool at first but they're really boring after a while, they really don't move much or very fast when they are moving.


i really dont want to have very fast swimmers, i like mythotical and very slow elegant...etc. swimmers. I will have a wet dry and yes iwill have a protein skimmer.