Stockinh new 75 gallon looking for opinions.


My 75 gallon just finished cycling. I am running an aqua c remora pro, and 1 aquaclear 500 and 300 with chemipure and sponge. i have about 100 lbs of live rock and about a 3 inch bed of live sand.
I am thinking of going with either:
1 blue tang
1 coral beuty
1 yellow tang
1 dwarf angle (flame or maybe rusty)
2 percs
1 cleaner shrimp
2 firefish
2 percs
3 or 4 chromis
2 bar gobies
2 scissor tail gobies
1 or 2 other gobies (not sure yet)
1 cleaner shrimp


Active Member
You will have to pick either the coral beauty or one of the other angels you want. You can only put one angel in a tank.


Active Member
Originally Posted by alyssia
You will have to pick either the coral beauty or one of the other angels you want. You can only put one angel in a tank.
yeah they will fight. and the blue tang im pretty sure you can have it in there but later on in its life you would probably want to move him to a bigger tank. JMO
oh yeah i like the first list better. i forget what people say but with the clowns i think you would want to get a mated pair so they get along better..something like that


Let your tank mature a little longer before putting in the tangs and the angel (only one). I would recommend that you just put the yellow tang versus the hippo. Also, just start out with the percs, firefish etc until the tank matures. JMO


I like your first list for your 75g. As far as cleaner shrimp are concerned, does anyone know at what point you would add him to the collection? Early or late?


I put mine in after my tank was set up for three months. He hid behind rocks for first two weeks...had 5 fish in there but has been the life of the party since.


Could firefish or an anthia be housed with the tangs and angel or will they be to intimidated?