Stocklist for 40g


New Member
So here is my stocklist I currently have, wondering if theres room for anything mainly inverts think my space for fish is currently at capacity.
(1)Midas Blenny
(2)firefish, one purple, one regular
(1) ocellaris clown
(1) Christmas wrasse, well hes in my QT tank with popeye right now so he will be back in in a week or so
I also have about 40 lbs of live rock.
I have a few hermit crabs but damn are they mean hermits, they kill each other all the time i started with 7 im down to 3 so im thinking about getting rid of them.
I also have 2 strawberry crabs but theyre nocturnal and I barely see them unless im moving rocks around to clean the substrate so they dont really count right? :)
Any Suggestions?
Im probably gonna upgrade to a 55g in a few months so maybe a suggestion for 1 or 2 more fish would be good too.


Depending on how meticulous you are with the cleanliness of your tank (ie: water changes) and how good of a protein skimmer you have, you could get away with another fish or two. Have you considered a Dwarf Angel such as a Flame or Coral Beauty? You also might want to consider a sand sifting goby.
As for inverts, you need snails!
What kind of hermits do you have? As they grow, they'll kill eat other and snails for the shells if you don't offer them larger empty shells.
I would recommend 2 Cleaner Shrimp, 5 or so Nassarius Snails, 5 or so Cerith Snails and 10 or so Trochus snails. Keep an eye on the strawberry crabs if this is a reef tank, most behave, but it's not unusual to get one that's a rogue crab who eats corals because he's bored.


New Member
Yeah I keep the tank pretty clean, water change every two weeks, change the carbon in the filter every month and clean the substrate every two weeks, Ive heard the flame angels can be a bit aggressive sometimes but yeah I do like the coral beauties :). I actually commited crabicide and got rid of the hermits and switched them out with pink legged hermit crabs which already seem to be way more docile. I dont have any corals so the strawberrys will be fine for now. I actually want to get corals but nowhere in hawaii can you buy them and shipping from the mainland to here is sooooo expensive :(. But yeah I do need to get snails. I have two in the tank no clue what kind tho because when i bought my live rock they just kind of showed up one day.


+1 on the cleaner shrimp. They add some color and are alot of fun to watch.
What about a Pygmy angel of some sort? There are several but the only two I can think of off the top of my head are the Cherub angel and the Flameback african pygmy (aka Orangeback pygmy). I've seen both in biocubes that are doing very well and they say the max size is 3"--although I have never seen one that big in a tank.
I'm assuming you have craigslist in Hawaii? Try watching that or a local marine club for a reefer who sells/trades frags. We are finding alot more that way and cheaper than the LFS.
Just one more idea (LOL)--- what about feather dusters? We enjoy watching ours, they add alot of movement to the tank and so far everyone except the Hermits leave them alone.


Originally Posted by bshanks4321
Yeah I keep the tank pretty clean, water change every two weeks, change the carbon in the filter every month and clean the substrate every two weeks, Ive heard the flame angels can be a bit aggressive sometimes but yeah I do like the coral beauties :). I actually commited crabicide and got rid of the hermits and switched them out with pink legged hermit crabs which already seem to be way more docile. I dont have any corals so the strawberrys will be fine for now. I actually want to get corals but nowhere in hawaii can you buy them and shipping from the mainland to here is sooooo expensive :(. But yeah I do need to get snails. I have two in the tank no clue what kind tho because when i bought my live rock they just kind of showed up one day.
I have a Flame and Coral Beauty and my Coral Beauty is by far the more aggressive fish.
As for corals, try local reef clubs for people that have frags for sale as the poster above recommends or just go swimming, LOL


New Member
MMK so heres the update...I ended up getting a pebbled butterflyfish, I wanted the flame angel but i just dont like to add any extra stress to my fish. Buttt I did take your advice BTLDreef and got a feather duster, but because i dont have a reef aquarium what should I substitute for its food? btw the pebbled butterfly isnt the most colorful fish but he has a great personality, he loves to follow my finger when im next to the tank.