stocklist for a 75 gallon


New Member
I have a 75 gallon fish only tank with lots of rocks and caves. I probably have 20 to 25 rocks.
I currently have:
2 percula clowns (2 inch, and 3 inch)
1 niger trigger (4 inches)
I would like to add:
dwarf angel
harlequin tusk wrasse
fuzzy dwarf lionfish
What are your thoughts?


New Member
yes, i posted this in the clownfish section, I also had a specific question regarding clownfish in that section.
Is this against the rules or something? I figure different forum topic areas have different audiences.

crypt keeper

Active Member
Tusk and trigger need a bigger tank. Your trig is almost ready for an upgrade. I would get the dwarf angel Skip the tusk. People have mixed reviews on lions. They are boring.


in my 75 i have 2 clowns, a purple psuedochromis and 3 green chromis. The purple psuedochromis is a really neat fish that likes swimming in the tightest crevices in the rock work.
I plan on adding a flame angel fish next and a goby. Hopefully that wont be too many fish.